
 Magnesium manganese metal roofing system design needs to consider several aspects Author: lixuecom Tags: magnesium alloy magnesium manganese manganese manganese upright roof-magnesium aluminum-magnesium manganese system 2010-04-15 01:21 Thursday sunny.
Magnesium manganese metal roof Manganese stone coated metal roof load-bearing Al-Mg Withstand construction loads, rain, dust, snow pressure, maintenance load. Magnesium manganese metal roof plate load-bearing performance and the cross-sectional characteristics, the strength of the material thickness, the force transmission means, purlins (Vice purlin) spacing on. Wind pressure Local maximum wind pressure resistance, magnesium manganese metal roof will not be pulled off the negative air pressure. Wind resistance with aluminum-magnesium and manganese metal roof bracket of the buckle together, the bracket density. Noise Reached from the outside to prevent the sound from the indoor or outdoor indoor spread. Manganese in magnesium metal roofing insulation layer of fill material (usually cotton as insulation), the effect of noise level in magnesium manganese metal roof on both sides of the sound intensity difference in decibels. Sound insulation and sound insulation material density, thickness. It should be noted: insulation material for different frequencies of sound barrier effect is not the same. Seepage To prevent rainwater infiltration from the outside to the inside magnesium manganese metal roof. Rain water mainly through the gap or overlap the node into the aluminum-magnesium manganese metal roofing. Impervious to achieve the function, need to screw the mouth after using the gasket fixed with hidden, in the board's lap with sealant or welding process, it is best to use a long-pass plate to eliminate overlap, in a variety of node parts of the abdominal distension tight waterproofing treatment. Lightning To lead to ground lightning, thunder and lightning to prevent breakdown of magnesium manganese metal roof into the interior. Lighting Improve indoor lighting through skylights during the day, to save energy. Magnesium manganese stone coated steel roof in a specific location or arrangement of lighting glass lighting board should consider the life of roof metal roof with the coordination of magnesium manganese, magnesium and manganese in the metal roof skylights junction waterproofing treatment. Safety devices Manganese in magnesium metal roof with fixed security system to protect construction workers and maintenance personnel. Anti-icicle Rain and snow at the eaves to prevent icicles formed at. Beautiful Magnesium manganese metal roofing metal surface with good texture, pleasing color. Control thermal expansion and contraction Control the contraction of magnesium manganese metal roof displacement and direction. Ensure that the magnesium manganese metal roof in a large temperature difference between thermal expansion and contraction of the region will not have the stress and damage. Insulation Prevent the heat in the aluminum-magnesium manganese metal roof on both sides of transmission of the indoor temperature stability. Insulating function by magnesium manganese metal fill insulation under the roof (commonly used with glass wool, rock wool) to achieve the insulation effect to the U-value, the unit is W/M2K. Insulation by the following factors: cotton insulation materials, density, thickness; insulation cotton humidity, magnesium and manganese metal roof substructure connections (to prevent "cold bridge" phenomenon); magnesium manganese layer of metal roofing repeated heat radiation capability. Sound-absorbing Reduce the reflection of sound and reduce echo chamber. Sound-absorbing function of magnesium by manganese in the bottom of the stone coated steel roof were laid sound-absorbing cotton and punching on the floor to achieve. Magnesium manganese metal roof of the acoustic properties of the sound absorption coefficient a that. Moistureproof Prevent the underlying aluminum-magnesium and manganese metal roofing metal roofing aluminum magnesium manganese layer water vapor condensation to drain away the layer of aluminum-magnesium manganese metal roof water vapor. Manganese in the magnesium solution is filled with metal roofing insulation layer cotton, capped with aluminum-magnesium manganese metal roof home floor waterproof membrane, magnesium manganese metal roof can be ventilated on the node. Fireproof Magnesium manganese when the fire will not burn metal roofing materials, flame does not penetrate the aluminum-magnesium manganese metal roof. Ventilation Indoor and outside air exchange. Manganese in magnesium metal roof vents on the set. Anti-avalanche Manganese and magnesium in the snow region setting block snow on metal roof railing, to prevent the sudden snow fall. Pollution Magnesium manganese metal roofing material will not cause environmental pollution, 100 per cent recycled materials, recyclable, environmentally friendly. Light Pollution Magnesium manganesestone coated metal roof surface by coating or hammer handle, the elimination of light pollution generated by surrounding environment. Normal life Magnesium manganese metal roof life should be the same with the main building, such as 25 years, 50 years, 100 years. Maintain Magnesium manganese metal roofing in the lifetime of easy maintenance, lower maintenance costs. Cost Control magnesium manganese metal roof construction costs, the cost of the best metal roofing material.


The main performance characteristics of the metal roofing which
Metal roof is the use of metal roof molding technology, the use of structural design and CAD computer-aided design, advanced detection methods, construction equipped with a reliable quality assurance. Because of its many unique properties, has been applied in different fields. The following details about the performance characteristics of the metal roof which.
A, no no purlin beams, open space, span of 8 ~ 36m arbitrary choice;
B, low cost, low investment;
C, design and construction cycle is short, 10000m2 roof construction 25 days to complete;
D, color galvanized steel, mechanical lock side connection, natural water, no leakage;
E, the overall scientific and reasonable structure, wind and seismic performance;
F, a variety of roof forms, giving the appearance of the building to the new;
G, by way of reasonable force, ready to design units to investors and provide structural stress analysis and node size.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles
Construction and energy

Metal roof photovoltaic system for energy-saving California winery add luster

Rodney Strong Vineyards in California, Sonoma County, and the vineyards of the output of juice (this word pun, both the "juice" in Italian, can be interpreted as "electric energy", translated as suggested here: " essence ") is not derived from some vines, but thanks to the sun nurtured here.
California sunlight gave birth to high-quality grapes, the vineyards of wine brought honor to Strong, but visitors might not notice, it is these sun also for road lighting and winery facilities provide a large number of refrigeration systems energy.
In the winery warehouse roof metal plate installed on the 766 080-watt crystalline photovoltaic (hereinafter referred to as pv) power generation system is expected to provide 30% of the electricity needs of the vineyards.
The system consists of California Berkeley's PowerLight Corporation installed, containing 4032 pv modules, covering 100,000 square feet winery half of the roof. Each module produces 190 watts power. PowerLight Corporation is the largest construction of a straight seam metal roofing in a gentle slope on the pv projects.
In April last year to start planning the system, from the initial cost, government discounts, generating capacity, return on investment projections to the construction of logistics in all aspects of the study. In September, the winery and PowerLight Corporation reached a consensus and signed a contract. In the next eight weeks to complete the project design, pouring a concrete pad is good, and solar modules shipped to the construction site. All materials are available, it only took less than five weeks, the entire system is installed in place.
General interest in the construction of such a problem, that does not destroy the material and the roof closed at the same time, how to pv module installed standing seam metal roof. Called S-5-U's new fixed-roof technology provides a solution for this. The technology of the fixture by the Colorado Springs, Colorado, the company customized according to customer needs. Although the installation has more than 10,000 single fixed point, but this fixture in its annex (Round brake bolt) under the coordination of the Galvalume steel roof has a hole on the need.
The pv with standing seam stone coated metal roof system that combines the concept is increasingly widely accepted, and this concept has been a reasonable explanation. Roof plate film pv systems often need to be replaced before the end of life, and standing seam roof is precisely to overcome this shortcoming, and crystal module because it has the same life.
In addition due to the high reflective metal roof, this roof system installed pv ultimately proved to be a cooling effect of the roof. Pv module installed in the roof a few feet away from high places, so that the metal roofing  is in its shadow, while between the formation of an air ventilation system. U.S. Department of Energy Oak Ridge National Laboratory study shows that, due to shadowing effects and the ventilation system air flow, the temperature of the roof can be reduced 65F, so as to reduce the burden of cooling the building.
The combination of metal roofing and pv system can make the roof of the net weight per square foot less than 3.5 pounds, the support structure and thereby reducing the cost of board design.
Despite Strong winery pv system cost $ 4.3 million, but the California public utility commissions to provide $ 2.1 million as an incentive, so Strong winery only take $ 2.2 million. In the government's tax incentives, the costs will be easier to accept. So whether from environmental or economic point of view from California wineries such new energy are reasonable.

Legend: Installation in California's Rodney Strong Vineyards Sonoma County on the roof of the more than 4,000 solar panels, give the vineyard to provide 30 percent of its electricity needs. Thus brought about shadows and forced ventilation can reduce the roof temperature 56F, thereby reducing the internal cooling load (above). Each board has four fixed points, with the S-5-U clamp (see insert map) they are fixed in the seam metal roof on the stand, so you do not have a hole in the roof.

Rob M. Haddock Colorado Springs, Colorado Consulting Group Ltd, head of the metal roof, metal roof technology experts and trainers. He is a national roofing contractor ASTM Committee members Systems Construction Association, Metal Construction Association.
edited by stone coated steel roofng tiles


Do metal roofing how to design the future of this line?
 Views: 1387 times Tags: 20 | solve time :2007-9-6 10:46 | Tags: cold rain under
  Mainly to do exhibitions, airports, stadiums and other metal roofing design, the company sold the metal roof panels, to provide customers with a complete metal roofing solutions, we do technical support, the program plans to do metal roofing and construction design, development prospects ? ? Treatment standards? (Specific salary?) In which direction? Selling products such as technical support will not do the company's dependence on large, will come to work in more limited? In addition, and curtain wall industry (curtain wall design) comparison, which is more promising? Which treatment better? Eager to answer the know! Thank you! !
 The answer, of course, the best design would be good to do, you are doing is Convention Center \ airport \ gymnasium in this category, you should look at the situation in China now is a better industry, China is to speed the development of ultra-some of the infrastructure for a higher, you design this area is to do (technical) countries now demand for this type of talent is great, of course, promising prospects, treatment generally monthly salary of 6,000 yuan or more, if you just engaged in this work may be less but at least are more than 3,000 yuan, which is good, this year's graduates (general) in the northeast old industrial bases in a career fair are copy 1000,!!
  Design development is, of course, you have this foundation!! Screen boom industry of course will not better than you now, just because it was just a wall, but you design a house, you want to look like a !!
  I wish you a successful career!!!
edited by stone coated steel  roof


Metal roof tile construction techniques
A pre-construction preparation
1) primary: primary metal tile applied on top of any roofing material.
2) require the use of dry wood keel timber (metal), size 30mm × 25mm, the surface shall be treated with preservatives.
3) tools to prepare: a hammer, tape measure, fountain, electric drills, saws, bending machines move.
4) Supplementary materials: sealants, riveting firmware, nails.
Second, the construction process:
(A) the installation of battens
1, according to put away the wooden keel row layout, the width of 30mm, 25mm high wooden fixed in the cement along the side on the grass-roots level (downstream), the required distance is not
Greater than 600mm, depth of not less than riveting into grassroots 30mm. Installed downstream of the screw is located on the downstream of the battens, the level should be a pick a direction
Root to maintain continuous, and only in the gutter off the roof on both sides of the line of control; spacing 368 mm
2, to ensure that battens on a flat surface, install the battens, the battens may be the next step up in different small wooden wedge, to adjust the battens surface roughness;
3, the metal roof, mountain wall, herringbone border outside the office, to meet the income side of the ridge tile and metal installation requirements, the wooden keel height increased 40mm;
4, vertical lightning rod battens can be installed in the same time, complement each other.
(B) the acceptance battens:
1, material inspection: to be embalmed after the difficulty of drying the wood or the deformation of the corresponding specifications of the metal.
2, size acceptance: battens cross-section size of 30mm × 25mm, error of ± 3mm.
3, the arrangement pitch Acceptance: In addition to both sides of the cornice at the roof and spaced less than 368mm battens, the battens of the standard spacing of 368mm.
4, the flatness of the inspection: for each roof battens pull, and error detection level, allowing the error 5mm.
5, stability and acceptance: Check for loose battens, with the grass roots are firmly connected.
(C) the installation of metal roofing 
1, the metal roofing tiles on battens fixed to the fixed way for the level of metal nails nail set (see photo) requires less than 5 per tile, fixation,
Inserted into the battens is not less than 20mm

edited by stone coated metal roof tiles





titanium-zinc sheet metal roof, titanium-zinc roof - [Metal Roofing] titanium zinc panels are zinc and copper and titanium alloys, which composition does not contain iron, so it will not rust. After passivation the future, it will form a layer of light gray surface oxide layer, a layer of the building to provide effective and lasting protection. Widely used in public buildings (especially the landmarks), such as Airport, convention centers, cultural centers, sports stadiums, senior housing, office buildings of the roof.
Titanium zinc roof has the following advantages can be:
1. Durability: titanium-zinc sheet roof even in heavily polluted areas can still have a long life. To 0.7mm thick, for example, construction of properly designed roof life of at least 100 years. Europe and the United States of zinc sheet metal roof with a few hundred years of history, and now, due to the addition of titanium, zinc plate durability of modern and better.
2. Adaptability: titanium-zinc plate that is tough but also a high degree of extension, but also easy to be bent and welded on site, so for a variety of shapes architectural style. The weldability of complex shapes and to ensure the realization of the node; its scientific seams protect the roof system in the storm, when the roof of a larger three-dimensional deformation of the case is not leaking;
3. Maintenance: no maintenance, no color, gray tone throughout the life of the building; because of its unique self-healing properties, has even scratched the surface without any maintenance, it can in a short time restitution.
Titanium-zinc sheet metal roofing system is established through the use of edge and bite of professional equipment, along the strip length will be two panels up side to bite, which will connect the roof or wall as a whole. System does not require gluing, sewing, especially two-way captive and 100% of the structural waterproofing.
edited by stone coated steel roofing