
There are single-layer stone coated metal roofing sheet metal pressure plate and the metal pressure-type sandwich panels. Single-metal pressure plate is mainly used for thermal insulation requirements or no less demanding plants, warehouses; metal Pressed Sandwich With light weight, large span, structure and integration of water, construction, and other unique advantages of quick and easy In recent years, in factories, warehouses, etc. is widely used on the roof. Metal plates each area, the crest on the two plates lap, rivet connection, with the primary steel structure with screws, convenient construction. In order to improve water reliability, the two boards should be placed along the overlap at a continuous rubber seal, take down two joints should be placed two continuous rubber seal. Under the roof and gables pinch pinch, gutters and roof, etc. also should be placed on the transfer of a continuous rubber seal. Sheet metal as a waterproof layer of the board, it is absolutely impossible to leak, but the joint parts of the warpage due to materials, installation errors such as tightness, will have a gap, so that rain water into the indoor wind. Therefore, sheet metal technology, the key is waterproof rubber seal, not only to place the rubber seal, rubber seal and requires good heat aging, durable, will not be in a reasonable useful life of aging; should also be stressed that the rubber seal to continuous lap cement to avoid the use of post-contraction and pull the rubber seal or pull off.
Traditional waterproof material, such as caulking sealant (commonly known as clay) or styrene-butadiene rubber sealing adhesive tape, the useful life of approximately one year, easy to aging water leakage. These materials are difficult to adapt to the temperature difference between the stone coated steel roof, the characteristics of the deformation coefficient, can not fundamentally solve the problem of metal roof waterproof.
Taking all these factors, engineering, final selection of the pure acrylic "bass" waterproofing system. It is specially imported pure acrylic formulation and process produced environment-friendly water-based waterproof coating, has the following characteristics: 1) bond strength, tensile strength and elongation, flexibility, and the interface deformation and cracking of adaptability; 2) weather resistance, aging resistance and good corrosion resistance, aging resistance for a long time; 3) strong bonding, especially sealing, good resistance to the level of moderate to follow the performance. Pure acrylic "bass" in the stone coated steel roof waterproofing system engineering applications, to solve the interface displacement occurs due to stress or leakage risks arising out of sync problem, and its technological features mainly as follows: 1) node parts of the construction performance, the use of waterproof coating is not detailed node structure restrictions, can do any part of a seamless waterproof effect. 2) ambient temperature ≥ 5 ℃, humidity of 80% or less, can be normal construction, with a strong environmental adaptability. 3) leakage repair leaking parts just brushing twice waterproof coating can be covered, and simple construction.
Construction technology
A process
Brushing the grass-roots clean-up → → Cutting metal rust woven polyester fabric sewn elastic line → brushing → positioning "bass" primary coating → Paste → brushing sewn woven polyester fabric "bass" wetting layer coating and drying → TROWELING formation → brushing "TOP" self-repair surface coating → → project quality and acceptance.
2 points operating process
1) clean-up grass-roots level: waterproof layer on the grassroots level must be pre-construction dust, sand, debris, oil clean up, rusted areas with rust sanded clean, until the present white metal.
2) brushing the grass-roots anti-rust agent: waterproof coating prior to the construction to be rust on the metal surface treatment. Brushing, to uniform thickness, coating does not leak, do not accumulate, dry table 2 h to dry.
3) sew woven polyester fabric cut: according to technical requirements of crop size, shape, woven polyester fabric sewn right, good and classified volumes.
4) positioning elastic line: a good grass-roots anti-rust coating agent in the area pop-up control line brushing, brushing waterproof coating to ensure that when the edges tidy. Woven polyester fabric sewn lap width of not less than 100mm. Woven polyester fabric with the first test sew paved spaces, size, width of the right and then a "bass" primary paint brushing.
5) construction of waterproof coating: dip the brush method commonly used brushing waterproof coating. Brushing should be uniform, not the bubble wrap into the coating, such as case bubbles should be immediately eliminated. Should be divided according to the order of or brushing. Each seam width should be the same width woven polyester cloth, and to avoid trampling the operator just painted a good coating.
Paving woven polyester fabric sewn wet shop law (ie, side brushing side Stones). Construction, first locate a good roof, and with the brush will paint brush evenly, then place the roll seam woven polyester fabric flat on the coating surface, and gradually push the rolling Stones just brushing the coating on the surface, rolling again with a brush, then brushing on a layer of waterproof coating on it. Make sure that the seam woven polyester cloth soaked with paint, so that the upper and lower layers with good paint. To be dried, the surface under a paint brush before, again coating the front surface of the dust, debris and other clean up, also check whether there are defects in the coating before it again (such as bubbles, exposed at the end, missing brush), woven polyester sewing Are there wrinkles cloth and Alice, whether mixed with coating debris and other undesirable phenomena, if the above-mentioned problems, should be repaired first, and then under a paint coating.
The node structure waterproofing
Because stone coated steel roofing Omo color board itself has a good water resistance, and only the node positions to exist the possibility of leakage
, While node water demand a waterproof material with good weather resistance and adhesion, but also to be taken to secure the construction process.
1) The color plate lap seam roof
Color plates of metal sub-horizontal overlap and vertical overlap overlap with the roof slope, said vertical direction of the same lap lap, and the direction perpendicular to the roof slope is called the level of lap lap. Lap at the first level of the metal roof coated with a layer of "bass" primary coating, in its still wet, immediately paste 20cm wide seam woven polyester fabric, and then painted in the above "bass" wetting layer coatings in order to fully infiltrate woven seam polyester fabric, fully dry (see Figure 1). Vertical overlap of stone coated metal roofing and waterproofing at the same.
2) metal roof on the fan base (see Figure 2), vent, pipe out the roof (see Figure 3), etc.
Cut a good size, shape, woven polyester fabric sewn right after the week in the same coat of prominence "bass" primary coating, the woven polyester fabric sewn cut a good paste on it, then brushing on a layer above the "bass "wetting layer coating fully woven polyester fabric sewn infiltration, to ensure that no bubbles, no wrinkles.
3) metal roofing fasteners
With a 10 cm × 10 cm seam woven polyester fabric, the same approach as above (see Figure 4).
4) waterproof roof gutter within
Gutter welding seam, Mizuochi mouth strengthened by the above method do first waterproof layer, and then painted the entire gutter according to three practices in a cloth waterproofing, so gutter, fall-mouth to form a seamless whole water system (see Figure 5 .)
5) brushing the surface coating
Finally, make the area waterproof coat "TOP" surface coating. "TOP" of the total coated surface coating rate of 35 m / 20 L (twice brushing, to keep the total coating rate constant).
Traditional waterproof material, such as caulking sealant (commonly known as clay) or styrene-butadiene rubber sealing adhesive tape, the useful life of approximately one year, easy to aging water leakage. These materials are difficult to adapt to the temperature difference between the stone coated metal roof, the characteristics of the deformation coefficient, can not fundamentally solve the problem of metal roof waterproof.
Below 80%, can be normal construction, with a strong environmental adaptability. 3) leakage repair leaking parts just brushing twice waterproof coating can be covered, and simple construction.
edited by stone coated steel roof


Galvanized steel catalog
What is a galvanized steel
Galvanized Steel Development History
Galvanized steel corrosion resistance characteristics:
Heat resistance:
Heat reflective:
Galvanized steel Application Usage
Galvanized steel commonly used post-processing
What is a galvanized steel
Galvanized Steel Development History
Galvanized steel corrosion resistance characteristics:
Heat resistance:
Heat reflective:
Galvanized steel Application Usage
Galvanized steel commonly used post-processing
What started editing this paragraph is galvanized steel
Galvanized steel is often applied to daily life is an important alloys. Galvanized steel is aluminum-zinc alloy composition, from 55% aluminum, 43% zinc and 2% of silicon in high temperature 600 ℃ the solidification of the composition, its entire structure consists of aluminum - iron - silicon - zinc, forming dense quaternary crystals an alloy.
Edit this section galvanized steel Company History
1965 Bethlehem (BIEC International Inc) developed and patented in 1972, Bethlehem Steel first U.S. commercial production applicable standards: ASTM A792 / M; JIS G3321; BS EN 10215-1995; GB / T 14978-2008
Edit this section galvanized steel properties
Galvanized steel has many excellent features:
Corrosion resistance:
"Galvanized steel coil," mainly because of the corrosion resistance of aluminum, aluminum protection. When the zinc by the wear and tear, the aluminum will form a dense alumina, to prevent further corrosion resistance to corrosive substances inside.
Heat resistance:
Al-Zn alloy steel sheet has good heat resistance, can withstand temperatures over 300 degrees Celsius, and the aluminum plate is very similar to high temperature oxidation resistance, often used in chimney, oven, hood and fluorescent lighting devices.
Heat reflective:
Galvanized steel high rate of heat-reflective, galvanized steel is twice that, people often use it as insulation material.
Because 55% AL-Zn and Zn density than the density of small, so the same weight and thickness of the gold layer under the same conditions, galvanized steel galvanized steel than the area more than 3%.
Edit the application of this paragraph galvanized steel
Building: stone coated steel roof, walls, garage, noise walls, pipes and modular housing car: muffler, exhaust pipes, wiper accessories, fuel tank, truck boxes and other home appliances: refrigerator back, gas stove, air conditioner, electronic microwave oven, LCD frame , CRT with explosion-proof, LED backlight, electrical cabinets and other farm: barns, sheds, silos, piping and other greenhouse: Heat insulation cover, heat exchangers, dryers, warm water, etc.
Care: should the Treasury and other indoor storage, dry air, not in the acidic climate in the long home. Outdoor storage is required to prevent the rain, to avoid condensation resulting in oxidation of stain produced. Transportation: Avoid external impact, means of transport required SKID supporting coil, reducing stacking, good rain measures. Processing: COILCENTER shear processing, use the same aluminum oil. Need drilling or cutting galvanized steel, the need for timely clean up scattered iron filings.
Galvanized steel commonly used post-processing
DRY Dry ​​OIL oiled Chromate chromated AFP / Galva clean fingerprint resistant Non-Gr, Gr-free cadmium-free fingerprint resistant

edited by chinese metrotile----juligao steel coated steel roof tiles


Curtain Wall Engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai Glass Machine "stone coated metal roofing" wall collection (Collection 3) Copy Link Print Publisher: lalala917
 [0 comments] [Comment] Time: May 9, 2011 11:48:41
 The construction industry is enduring, especially in Beijing, capital, construction is everywhere, every building can not be separated materials. So you "stone coated metal roofing" understand it?
 "Metal roof" with a new system design concepts, fully integrated into the building structure inside the building arts.
 And there are water-proof, leak-proof and other effects. Glass curtain wall machine after Shanghai Engineering Co., Ltd. specializes in hundreds of employees. Now "stone coated metal roofing" and now also has the design concept of environmental protection, resulting in close to the nature of human beings while also reducing the damage.
 It is precisely because "metal roofing" has more features, so in the future is undoubtedly the premier decorative market leader, but for customers, in the purchase of this material, they must drive to the glass curtain wall engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai to purchase, so that not only make your property secure, and quality of the material is also guaranteed.

edited by stone coated steel roof tiles


Korean stone coated metal roof tile types:
Leo, d'Ivoire, Wan Extension (Roman), Wood (wood), Kidson, Tang-style
Korean stones metal tile color:
Olive green, golden yellow,
Begonia Red, Ocean Blue,
Desert gold, black soot,
Chinese red and ten other colors
Products received certification:
European CE certification
KSF 4751
Japanese architecture integrated laboratory certification
Application at:
Wood, steel, concrete slope roof buildings

Korean stones metal tile features (compared to traditional ceramic tile, asphalt shingles, cement tile, etc.):
Earthquake resistance - an earthquake occurs, stone coated metal roof tile tiles will not fall as a general, reduce the injured situation.
Wind resistance - hail and strong winds, typhoons or zone, is also very safe to use.
Fire Resistance - fire, fire will not spread, the use of safety.
Light of - light weight, reduce the building's load-bearing.
Durability - stone coated steel roof tile corrosion-resistant galvanized steel and natural color of the stone tablets of composition, and ensure its long life.
Construction Convenience - light weight, large area, accessories simple, greatly reduce the construction strength, shorten construction time.
Environmental protection - metal tile can be reused, reducing waste disposal costs.
Noise reduction - stone coated steel roof tiles surface layer of natural stones can be well absorbed by the rain, reducing noise.
Economy - in the old building roof construction, roof material without dropping any, direct construction, making the waste disposal costs are minimized.
Anti-snow - metal tile convex, surface together with a layer of natural stone tablets, in the winter snow, the snow will not slide into the block.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles