
Residential metal roofing system fstl.tuliaoren.com :2010 -01-03 paint net paint Lecture [Chinese] Abstract: In some areas, such as coastal and mountainous areas, the use of metal roofing system is more common than in the past. Metal Roofing Association (MRA) is expected, metal roofs in the residential roofing market share each year will be 20% to 25% growth rate. Perhaps the most fundamental is to clarify the different metal roofing products ...

In today's highly competitive roofing market, a contractor to be successful in the professional and quality must go in front, for example, to correctly select the roofing systems and products. Residential metal roofing system is good? Kinds of programs, will help to improve the status of contractors in the competition.
In recent years, residential metal roofing products in terms of applications has increased. In some areas, such as coastal and mountainous areas, the use of metal roofing system is more common than in the past.

Residential metal roof system
Experience shows that in the climate extremes, increasing use of metal roofing. Metal Roofing Association (MRA) is expected, metal roofs in the residential roofing market share each year will be 20% to 25% growth rate.
To achieve this goal, the metal roofing industry must continue to focus on improving the user's awareness, but also must increase efforts to roofing contractors and distributors of commercial products and their use for training. Perhaps the most fundamental is to clarify the different metal roof products as well as the difference between these differences in a successful meet the requirements of owners of metal roofing systems in the role.
An application for residential metal roofing is a mistake to think that the majority of roofing for new construction. In fact, NRCA annual market survey, 2004, 11 percent of residential metal roofing for new, renovation of 56%, 11% for the maintenance and repair.
Visible, more for the refurbishment of the metal roof, one of the reasons is that many metal roofing products can be laid on the existing roof, as well as some variety of standing seam metal tile products. Commercially available product variety and often people will do a muddle.
In North America, with over 100 vinyl tile, imitation shingles, slate and clay tile, concrete tile and other tile materials. Because each product is the exclusive production and sales, and not interoperable.
To ensure correct construction and application is necessary to understand some of the products of knowledge. 2 products in the decision to form a metal roofing system, it is necessary to choose the roof slope and geometry of the product.
For example, most of the roof tile products for the minimum slope of 3 / 12. The low sloping roof, the main use of on-site mechanical or hand joints standing seam panels, such as "double-lock" or "Three Rings" board.
Modulus products are mostly interlocking panels, ranging in size from 203 mm × 305mm to 610mm × 914 mm. This roofing system approach to a variety of thermal expansion and contraction problems.
Some used in the construction or expansion of sliding clip, when the thermal expansion board "floating" up; some products are designed with the use of the board, "folding" effect, the equivalent of S-shaped plate can withstand thermal expansion and contraction of many fold. Such products can be made into imitation or imitation slate glass tile, vinyl tile, and other imitation Tongwa or flat tile.
Stiffness of these products exist in the metal plate and with the space between the grassroots so that they can be self-connected in the renovated shop in the existing roof. In fact, such systems can even through the use of wood or tile shop in a special fixation on the shingle.
In addition to the special form of modulus board, there are many products available for residential vertical seam. These products from the shop to the house along the roof, and rafters or parallel or perpendicular.
Vertical seam roofing products include a variety of fixed waveforms through standing seam panels and products. Penetrate the roof panels have a variety of standard length, laying horizontal seams and ends with the overlap can also be broken in the field size to avoid the end of the lap.
The length of standing seam products are generally customized to meet the actual size of the roof. All vertical joints in laying a key factor when products must understand that the manufacturer is required on board laid on the slats or solid board.
Although these products are initially laid on the slats, but are often applied in agriculture manufacturer of solid board and asked to use the cushion. Penetration of fixed or fixed-length standing seam roofing products, safe transportation is very important, because sometimes board up to 8 m long or even longer.
To avoid such a transportation problem, sometimes the pressure-type machine can be moved into the field production. Even so, the board still need to be careful on-site transport and require specialized knowledge, because many board is shipped upright.
3 discussed above, various types of metal roofing product metal can be made of different metals to achieve specific effects and features. MRA survey of metal roofing products with the main material is steel, there are two forms, galvanized and Galvalume.
Galvanized steel zinc plated to improve corrosion resistance, Galvalume coated steel alloy, is also for preservation purposes. Both have a variety of steel grades.
Classification is based on both sides of the steel-plated zinc or aluminum coating thickness determined. Metal Construction Association, in accordance with quality standards, if the metal surface coating, then, G90 galvanized steel is the recommended minimum level, AZ50 Galvalume is the recommended minimum level.
If the transparent surface finishing or coating applied when the recommended level of Galvalume AZ 55. There are other metals can be used, such as aluminum, copper, zinc, stainless steel and tin-lead alloy.
Aluminum is mainly used for the purpose of preservation and use of its malleability, can be processed into a fine wood grain tile effect of the product. The roof is always made of aluminum coated or anodized to obtain a special color and better durability.
Copper, zinc and stainless steel more for no coating applications. Copper is mainly the use of its good durability and rich features aeruginous.
Zinc is also used for preservation purposes as well as its malleability, low-gloss gray appearance. Stainless steel is used to obtain long-lasting, shiny silver appearance or to meet specific corrosive environment.
4 Product Compatibility metal roof construction, according to the electrochemical point of view, the system used in all materials must be compatible, otherwise, and even between different metals and other materials will occur between electrolysis and corrosion. This includes fixtures, flashings, gutters and adjacent wall materials, they must be compatible or avoid contact.
As mentioned above, for aesthetic, many of the metal surface has a coating or overlay. There are several coatings, including acrylic, polyester, silicone polyester, and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF).
PVDF coatings are registered trade name of Kynar and Hvlar, they are always in shape before the coated metal roof on. More durable coating also includes color fastness and anti-powdering performance, this? Point, negotiate with customers is very important.
Familiar with the coatings industry knows that the most difficult to fade the pigment is an inorganic ceramic pigments, organic pigments expensive than the use of such inorganic pigment paint pigment than good. PVDF coating used to improve viscosity of the resin coating is a fluoride, can produce a strong molecular bond will firmly grasp the paint </ p>
? Prevent chalking. Some modulus metal tile is applied later in forming the coating, known as "coated", will help to ensure that the process of being stretched in the shape of the metal surface to get adequate coverage.
The most common type is coated stone cladding, there will be ceramic bonded to the steel surface of the stone surface. The other is applied in the molding powder coating the board, common with PVDF powder coatings.
These coatings make the products with a variety of textures and colors. Dedicated to improving the metal coating on the durability of metal roofing, steel roofing products in particular, coated with high-quality coatings to protect against climate grass-roots level, to make products with the durability of a method.
In addition, metal roofing system and many other advantages. 5 Advantages One of the advantages of metal shore side is light weight? Like aluminum tile roof weighs only 4.84 kg / m2, stone cladding tile roof is 16.15kg/m2, significantly lower than other roofing materials such as fiberglass shingles of 25.8 ~ 40 4kg/m2.
As the light weight, this product can be used in the original roof, applied to reduce the weight of the roof structure. In addition, the interlock metal roofing system features or non-interlock between the metal plate and the roof fixed and the fixed nature of most metal roofing system that has a good expose of the wind.
In many cases, the product can be achieved UL 580 "Standard Roof Wind exposing test" under the UL 90 level or UL1897 "wind exposed roof covering system standards" requirement. High wind exposing the metal roofing is the place to be given priority in many a reason, but in some places the use of the system is to use its fire resistance.
In fact, the last 1960s and 1970s in the United States some of the favorite places with shingles, vinyl tile on the use of aluminum and steel roofing products as fire. Over the past few decades the use of various types of metal roofing is a lot out of this consideration.
2003 International Building Code requirements for fire performance of roofing systems should be tested, but does not include steel and copper tile (board) roof, taking into account their inherent good fire performance. Of course, the metal roof during the pre-construction best check what the local building codes.
Another advantage of the metal system is above the coating allows it to be "cool" roofing system. Metal roof coating on the surface will not be set because of its smooth gray, more often than in the porous or rough coating on the surface of roofing materials can be longer and the light color to keep clean.
Owners from time to time with clean water rinse. In addition, for most of the coating on the metal roof with high radiation, according to the different coatings, the radiation rate of 0.75 minimum, maximum up to 0.95, so the roof to absorb heat quickly release back to the atmosphere.
As technology advances, many metal roofing products with a coating of infrared reflecting pigments to add these specially treated pigments, even in dark colors can also have very high solar reflective performance. For example, non-reflective surface of the metal coating of dark brown total solar reflectance of only 6% to 8%, reflecting pigments added, the total solar reflectance can be increased to 25% to 30% or even higher.
This meets the government agencies and public sector of the "cold" roof reflectivity requirements of the initial value. In addition, the metal roof system design and cushion between the metal roof or metal and the air space between the stationary set, heat conduction through the suspension to further improve energy efficiency.
Florida Solar Energy Center in accordance with the test, and the use of traditional roofing materials, many of the traditional metal tile roof in imitation of the still air of the attic space so that the heat is reduced by 30% or more of a factor. For laying the battens on the modulus of the product, and standing seam metal roofing products, it is still possible through a ventilation space to further improve energy efficiency.
Another advantage of metal products in the recycled material content. Most steel used in metal roofing with 25% to 35% recycled materials.
Non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, recycled material content of up to 95%. Metal roofing is a major environmental factor in the sustainability of its excellent durability reduces the future consumption of raw materials.
The life of metal roofing system and related products used. Uncoated steel roofing can last 20 to 30 years, plus a longer coating life.
Have a coating or to the original stone cladding of the roof systems often guarantee period of up to 30 to 50 years, and re-applied coating life can be extended. Life even after the arrival of metal roofing can also be 100% recycling.
Most metal roofing easy to bend, to adapt to the unconventional form of roof design, including circular, oval and with a convex curve of the roof. For standing seam metal roofing system, many manufacturers offer matching wedge, narrow bottom width to accommodate the circular roof top needs, as well as curved concave or convex panels for the rafters.
Other hand, the modulus of the metal roofing panels have different ways to adapt to the special roof. Many tile cross-section is curved, for a round roof.
In addition, 381 mm or less exposed some of the module board is very easy for most of the roof curve. Of course, the most fundamental thing is to get the manufacturer's information and help to decide how to live doing the best.
6 Although some form of special accessories need custom sheet metal roofing and flashing, but residential metal roofing manufacturers offer a wide range of standardized accessories available for the eaves, gables, roof drains, roof and wall and roof slope change junction. In some cases, the manufacturer may also provide on-site production of attachments drawings.
Many residential roof detail, including the rain dripping from the roof oriented along the tank. On the standing seam roof system, the bottom edge of each piece of board or drip edge pieces around the starting roll.
Standing seam roof panels with a clip and grip, and then secure the upper plate.
For the vertical plate through a fixed and certain parts can not be locked into the starting tile-shaped plate, the manufacturer will usually provide sealing of the roof and finally fixed with detailed steps. There are several methods of disposal gable, usually depends on roof shape.
Roof gutters are three basic forms, used in conjunction with a variety of metal roofing: flat discoid drains, l or 2 drain pan so that the roof water and drain (open valley). The disposal of the roof there are several methods.
Most vertical plate with long roof and ridge cap? Long as 3 m or 4 m. Wall, roof slope changes and the transfer of processing often requires on-site production of the pan of water to meet the roof shape.
Manufacturers recommend some form of pan-water, in the small bending machine or metal working shop in the local production. Skylights and chimneys often need a special pan of water, some well-known brand manufacturers provide supporting pan of water.
For skylights and chimneys important to remember that should not be overly dependent on sealant. Although the need for the appearance of the sealant, waterproofing can be used as auxiliary means, but any metal roof system flashings the first line of defense should be a pan of water itself.
Sealant and the cushion is just an additional waterproofing measures. Skylight in the roof should be done on the circle, so that the roof height was significantly higher than the metal plate.
Whenever possible, the chimney at the pan of water should be embedded in masonry structure. Roof wall junction should be inserted or pan of water out into the wall up.
Attic ventilation and plumbing requirements shall be the manufacturer's construction. Metal roofing system designed specifically for the Pan-there are many kinds of water, sometimes even the color can be very well equipped.
Of course, experienced roofing contractor knows, when you think you have met all of the roof when a new issue again. It should be remembered </ p>
? Flashing basic design principle is to ensure water is always in the top surface of the plate movement. Good design often pan of water under the roof auxiliary water channel, in order to increase water reliability.
Another point is not to make the roof of garbage, leaves, snow and ice blocking the water path. In addition, the design of special flashings should consult the manufacturer or to the roof construction metal roof reference NRCA Manual (The NRCA Architectural SheetMetal and MetalRoofine Manu al).
7 roof ventilation ventilation manufacturers recommended practices, which may include proprietary products and markets for sale of roof ventilation products. Many vertical slit through the use of ventilation products, closed with a specially made so that air can flow between the ribs on the roof, eaves care pull air as the air inlet.
Many people have a wrong perception that metal roofing systems need to increase attic ventilation. In fact, no matter what kind of attic ventilation is critical in roofing materials, metal, and use of the system have not the slightest change.
In the choice of roof ventilation should also be considered when. Must remember </ p>
? Condensation of warm air and generation as the result of contact with cold surfaces. Attic ventilation is designed to eliminate the chance of condensation.
8 construction of residential metal roofing system to be set cushion reasons: to keep the roof structure during construction drying system; is an additional waterproofing means; make condensation occurred in the plate on the back, to avoid the damp grass roots roof. Although, 30 years shingle roofing mat is a standard option, but now contractors have turned to the synthesis of new lighter materials, so that each volume covers the area more.
Of course, there are requirements specification, can also use self-adhesive cushion. The surface of these products are smooth, without granules and thus will not damage the metal plate on the back.
Also, in most of the metal to be careful walking on the roof. Roofing contractor to the owner shows how to walk on the safer, better able to leave a written guide.
Walking on the steep roof, no matter what material is a challenge, metal roofing is no exception. In many cases, the fixed ladder on the roof, then support and ladder access aisle board composition.
Most manufacturers offer various forms of construction training. In the past, metal roofing for residential purposes, property owners and contractors, lack of training, lack of awareness is a major obstacle to the promotion of this roof, and now the situation has greatly improved.
edted by stone coated metal roof


Metal roofing catalog
First, the definition of metal roofing
Second, the metal roof type
Third, the metal roofing material
Fourth, the metal roofing system
1) up side bite System 2) roofing system 3) classic buckle cover system 4) Flat lock systems 5) flat slab system, 6) pressure plate system 7) cell plate systems 8) metal roofing system
Fifth, metal roofing design factors to be considered one, the definition of metal roofing
Second, the metal roof type
Third, the metal roofing material
Fourth, the metal roofing system
1) up side bite System 2) roofing system 3) classic buckle cover system 4) Flat lock systems 5) flat slab system, 6) pressure plate system 7) cell plate systems 8) metal roofing system
Fifth, metal roofing design factors to be considered
Edit this paragraph a start, the definition of metal roofing
Metal roofing is the use of sheet metal as the roof material, the structure layer and waterproof layer into one of the roof form. Many different types of sheet metal, zinc plate, galvanized plate, aluminum plate, aluminum-magnesium alloy plate, titanium plate, copper, stainless steel panels. Thickness of 0.4 ~ 1.5mm, the surface of the general board for coating processing. As the quality of different materials and coatings, and some panel life of up to 50 years. The production of a variety of plate shape, and some composite panels, about two layers of insulation composite sheet metal in between, and some for the board, the construction, some panels in the plant is completed on-site assembly, according to some roofing projects require on-site processing. Insulation and some good in the factory compound, can also be produced in the field. So the sheet metal roof forms, from large public buildings to factories, warehouses, housing, etc. are used. Therefore, sheet metal roofing specification scope is waterproof grade I ~ III-class roof. [1] Edit this paragraph two, the metal roof type
Roof to roll joints sealed together design, production and design of the construction site with the same length of roof, installed after the roof construction without its connection, and there is no exposed screws, in addition to the appearance of the roof to ensure the integrity of the building, both Premium waterproof, anti-seepage, anti-snow function. Board design 65 and 75 mm high rib rib up from from 300 to 500 mm with high-performance drainage section, an effective solution to low-slope roof (> 1.5 °) water and drainage problems. faszip65-420R and 75-400R of the plate specially designed to enhance board reinforcement ribs to increase structural strength, and building exterior lines to provide more texture, the main supply in southwest China market.
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65-300/400/500 board design more supple plastic, inside and outside the arc shape to fit the size of architectural design; and 75-380/480 board design while retaining the plasticity, the special height rib tank to 75mm, with a thick composite double-layer bottom plate roof system, more suitable for coastal typhoon rain-fed areas. Features without its connection, no screw holes, made the building the appearance of integrity within the arc can be curved and the outer arcs choice of different materials and colors overall structural waterproofing, drainage can be used to slope down to 1.5 ° of roofing excellent performance of wind pressure (with the bottom plate), especially for typhoons, storms are more areas to eliminate the pressure generated by thermal expansion and contraction is simple, fast machine roll together, convenient and economic to facilitate the laying insulation sound-absorbing layer without chemical caulking compounds, eliminating the problem of pollution and aging roof may need to maintain production at the site easy to stand upright double 80-400/420 quick lock side, roof and the use of 360 pairs of folding bracket bite mode, Edge is a seal can be folded up and the standing seam, standing seam this fully engaged with the bracket to form a continuous weather roof, so water is basically no chance to enter the building. Holder's consideration of thermal displacement, making the plate in the length direction of the relative displacement can be produced, eliminating the stress generated when the roof inflated. Edit this paragraph three, metal roofing material
All roof and exterior structure of the roof imported dedicated AA3004 series Al-Mg-Mn alloy sheet production; other special items can be equipped in accordance with the 3004 Al-Mg-Mn alloy, stainless steel 304 / 316, copper or titanium metal building dedicated . Special aluminum alloy for the production of roofing systems, the useful life of the main building with the same [British standard BS5427: 1976]. Al-Mg-Mn alloy sheet pre-painted and can be accompanied by another American or Australian imports of construction-specific PVDF / PVF2 polyvinylidene fluoride / color coating fluorocarbon resin paint system, used in industrial and civil construction, and painted life span 15-20 years, depending on atmospheric conditions []. 3105 * 3005 and other aluminum alloy is also a common European roof and wall materials. * If the requirements for the maritime climate, better corrosion resistance can be equipped with aluminum-magnesium alloy 5005 and 5052. * 3004 H44 aluminum-magnesium alloy of aluminum, manganese one. H44 is the layer and annealing condition. Edit this paragraph four, metal roofing system
1) up side seam system
(1) the overall structural waterproofing, drainage, regardless of how the building shape, can fully engaged seams, no nail holes throughout the roof, the roof can either make changes in the free expansion temperature to prevent thermal stress, but also put an end to the screw by the system fixation caused by the leakage risk. (2) No chemical caulking compounds, eliminating the pollution and aging. (3) the overall maturity of the roof openings and lightning protection system design. (4), good ventilation, maintain the overall structure of the long-term natural drying, to extend the building life. (5) specific three-dimensional curved arc shape and easy processing. (6) structure is simple, lightweight, safe, high strength and resistance to negative pressure in the typhoon, heavy rain area is especially suitable. (7) also applies to the old roof in the old house renovation and construction of new roof surface. (8) construction of safe, simple, fast, accurate and economical.
2) roofing system
(1) is a lightweight, high strength, waterproof, corrosion-resistant, highly adaptable and environmentally friendly system, easy and other building materials and systems integration. (2) stand side bite plate and the plate, no leakage of the lap joint problems, waterproof and reliable. (3) exhaust port, sunroof, pipeline exports directly piercing, using welding accessories, to ensure water tightness. (4) bearing occlusal side and the formation of hidden connections, solve the resulting thermal expansion and contraction due to destructive. (5) bearing insulation pads, a metal roofing system to solve heat conduction problems. (6) the advantages of low weight system to the roof renovation, transformation, have the advantage.
3) classic buckle cover system
(1) the overall structural waterproofing and drainage functions. (2) without chemical adhesive caulk caulking, remove the pollution and aging. (3) natural circulation ventilation structure, to extend the building life. (4) simple structure, compact and safe.
4) Flat lock systems
(1) the overall structural waterproofing and drainage functions. (2) without chemical caulking compounds, eliminating the pollution and aging. (3) natural circulation ventilation structure, to extend the building life. (4) specific three-dimensional curved arc shape and easy processing. (5) simple structure, lightweight, safe, diverse grid. (6) construction safety, fast, accurate and economic
5) flat slab system
Is a difficult process to use the sheet metal panel system, requiring stainless steel, titanium and other metal surfaces smooth, and double waterproof, so the system has within the collection tank. Mainly used for difficult to process the plate.
6) pressure plate system
For simple roof structure, the sheet metal roofing systems, is the most economical system, widely used for civil and industrial buildings public buildings roof, such as stadiums, awning, exhibition halls, stadiums, auditoriums, industrial plants and other buildings.
7) cell plate systems
(1) the use of air pressure chamber works such as water, and there will be a small amount of water within the tank discharge guide. (2) without chemical caulking compounds, eliminating the pollution and aging.
8) metal roofing system
360 ° double-crimping fully supported roofing system, water filling without other auxiliary materials, roof ribs to 360 ° folding electric lock closure, to win the title of the roof off completely impermeable, waterproof. Roof can make a special three-dimensional processing into the arc, arc of different sizes can be installed into the dome. The board has a high rib, in improving the water resistance, this can also make the roof line is more obvious, and available materials in addition to steel, there are aluminum, stainless steel, titanium and other metals zinc and copper, making the more colorful metal roofing . Choose a variety of materials up to roof and wall systems have the choice of material, its up to 88% material utilization, for the discerning architects use materials, precious metals as a roofing system provides a convenient and possible, to enhance the overall roof waterproofing effect and construction grade at the same time, access to good economic indicators of performance. For selection of materials: titanium, copper, titanium zinc, copper, stainless steel, magnesium manganese alloy, anodized aluminum, galvanized steel and so on. Features: 1. Overall structural waterproofing, drainage features; 2 structure is simple, lightweight, safe; 3 construction and installation of flexible, rapid, accurate, and the economy; 4 without silicone caulking, silicone to avoid pollution problems of aging, life extension ; 5 natural cycle of ventilation structure, increase life expectancy; 6 three-dimensional curved arc shape easily; edit this paragraph five, metal roofing design factors to be considered
Bearing to withstand construction loads, rain, dust, snow pressure, maintenance load. Performance and load-bearing metal roof plate section properties, the strength of the material thickness, the force transmission means, purlins (Vice purlin) spacing on. Maximum wind pressure resistance of local wind pressure, the metal roof will not be pulled off the negative air pressure. Wind resistance and the metal roof and the bracket buckle together, the bracket density. Prevent the spread of noise from the outdoor sound indoors or outdoors from the interior spread. Fill in the layer of metal roofing insulation materials (usually cotton as insulation), the effect of metal roofing insulation layer on both sides of the sound intensity difference in decibels. Sound insulation and sound insulation material density, thickness. It should be noted: insulation material for different frequencies of sound barrier effect is not the same. Impermeable to prevent rainwater infiltration from the outside to inside the metal roof. Rain water mainly through the gap or overlap the node into the metal roof. Impervious to achieve the function, need to screw the mouth after using the gasket fixed with hidden, in the board's lap with sealant or welding process, it is best to use a long-pass plate to eliminate overlap, in a variety of node parts of the abdominal distension tight waterproofing treatment. Lightning the lead to ground lightning, thunder and lightning to prevent the breakdown of metal roof into the interior. Lighting during the day to improve indoor lighting through skylights to save energy. A specific location in the metal roofing panels or lighting glass lighting arrangement should be considered the life of the metal roof skylights, in coordination with the metal roof skylights connection waterproofing treatment. Safety devices on the metal roof with fixed facilities, to protect construction workers and maintenance personnel. Prevent icicles forming at the eaves to prevent icicles in the rain and snow. Aesthetic appearance of metal roofing has a good texture, pleasing color. Control thermal expansion and contraction control of the contraction of the metal roof displacement and direction. Ensure that the temperature difference between the metal roof in the area will not produce thermal expansion and contraction of stress and damage. Insulation to prevent heat transfer on both sides of the metal roof, indoor temperatures stable. Function through the roof insulation under the metal fill insulation materials (commonly used with glass wool, rock wool) to achieve the insulation effect to the U-value, the unit is W/M2K. Insulation by the following factors: cotton insulation materials, density, thickness; insulation cotton humidity, and lower metal roof structure connection (to prevent "cold bridge" phenomenon); metal roofing layer capabilities of the repeated thermal radiation. Reduce the reflection of sound-absorbing sound, reducing indoor echo. Sound-absorbing function by the underlying metal roof were laid in the sound-absorbing cotton and punching on the floor to achieve. The acoustic properties of the metal roof to a sound absorption coefficient, said. Moisture to prevent the bottom of the metal roofing and metal roofing layer water vapor condensation to drain away the water vapor layer of metal roofing. The solution is filled in the metal layer of roof insulation cotton, capped with metal roof home floor waterproof membrane, metal roof can be ventilated on the node. Fire when the fire will not burn the metal roofing material, the flame will not penetrate the metal roof. Ventilation for indoor and outdoor air exchange. Set on the metal roof vents. Anti-snow avalanche in the area of ​​the metal roof railings set on the snow block to prevent the sudden snow fall. Metal roofing material will not produce pollution-free environment, pollution, light metal roof surface without dye. Normal service life of metal roofing and the main building life should be the same as 25 years, 50 years, 100 years. Easy maintenance period in the use of metal roofing maintenance, lower maintenance costs. Metal roofing cost control construction costs.
edited by stone coated steel roofing


Galvanized Metal Roof RepairHow to Use Galvanized Metal to Prevent Roof MoldHow to Repair a Galvanized Metal RoofHow to Prepare a Rusted Galvanized Metal Roof for PaintingHow do I Use Galvanized Metal to Prevent Roof Mold?What Is a Galvanized Metal Roof?
Print this article Galvanized metal lasts longer than asphalt shingles. When you are selecting a material for your roof, you are probably factoring in aesthetics, cost and durability. A galvanized metal roof compares fairly well to other options in cost and durability, with aesthetics being a matter of personal taste. Most new residential housing is roofed with asphalt shingles, although these don't last as long as metal roofing.
Galvanized metal is created by dipping sheets of steel into molten zinc and causing it to adhere using an electric current. This process protects the surface of the steel from rust and makes it more durable in outdoor weather conditions. Steel roofing can also be painted or enameled, both of which are also designed to protect the steel from rust. Galvanized steel is used in many applications where the metal comes into contact with water, including pipes, buckets and water storage tanks.
Manufactured in sheets that are typically 2-feet wide and 8-, 10- or 12-feet long, these sheets have ridges built into them to increase their stiffness and as a place to put screws through where they are less likely to leak. Galvanized metal roofing is installed by screwing it down to furring strips that are laid horizontally on top of rafters. Metal roofing screws have rubber gaskets on them that press against the screw holes to prevent leakage.
Inexpensive in comparison to many other kinds of roofing, galvanized metal roofing also requires less labor to install because the sheets are so big. A single 2 x 10-foot sheet of metal roofing covers 20 square feet of roof and can be installed in a fraction of the time that laying shingles would take. Metal roofing is very durable and will last for decades. Proper installation that allows for ventilation in the attic will help to prevent rust and prolong the life of the roofing.
Metal roofing has become associated in many people's minds with barns and cheap rural housing, which is an unfair characterization, but many people don't like how it looks and prefer shingles. In a house without an attic, metal roofing can be very loud during a rainstorm. It can also get extremely hot under bright sun, adding to the heat in an attic and making working on it difficult during hot weather. If metal roofing isn't properly screwed down, there is a risk of it blowing off in severe storms and becoming a safety hazard.
Steel Roofing: Most Frequently Asked Questions
Mechanical Metals: Corrugated Metal Roofing and Siding Material
Berlin Metals: Galvanized Steel (Electro and Hot Dipped)
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Read Next: Galvanized Metal Roof Repair
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edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


There are many types of metal roofing, its design needs to consider the many factors required from the load-bearing panels, wind pressure, noise, seepage, lightning protection, lighting and aesthetics, etc. to consider. The following will need to consider metal roofing design to list of nineteen factors:
1, bearing
Withstand construction loads, rain, dust, snow pressure, maintenance load. Performance and load-bearing metal roof plate section properties, the strength of the material thickness, the force transmission means, purlins (Vice purlin) spacing on.
2, wind pressure
Local maximum wind pressure resistance, the metal roof will not be pulled off the negative air pressure. Wind resistance and the metal roof and the bracket buckle together, the bracket density.
3, noise
Reached from the outside to prevent the sound from the indoor or outdoor indoor spread. Fill in the layer of metal roofing insulation materials (usually cotton as insulation), the effect of metal roofing insulation layer on both sides of the sound intensity difference in decibels. Sound insulation and sound insulation material density, thickness. It should be noted: insulation material for different frequencies of sound barrier effect is not the same.
4, seepage
To prevent rainwater infiltration from the outside to the inside metal roof. Rain water mainly through the gap or overlap the node into the metal roof. Impervious to achieve the function, need to screw the mouth after using the gasket fixed with hidden, in the board's lap with sealant or welding process, it is best to use a long-pass plate to eliminate overlap, in a variety of node parts of the abdominal distension tight waterproofing treatment.
5, Lightning
To lead to ground lightning, thunder and lightning to prevent the breakdown of metal roof into the interior.
6, light
Improve indoor lighting through skylights during the day, to save energy. A specific location in the metal roofing panels or lighting glass lighting arrangement should be considered the life of the metal roof skylights, in coordination with the metal roof skylights connection waterproofing treatment.
Safety devices
Set on the metal roof fixed facilities to protect construction workers and maintenance personnel.
7, anti-icicle
Rain and snow at the eaves to prevent icicles formed at.
8, beautiful
Metal roofing looks good texture, pleasing color.
9, control thermal expansion and contraction
Control the contraction of the metal roof displacement and direction. Ensure that the temperature difference between the metal roof in the area will not produce thermal expansion and contraction of stress and damage.
10, insulation
Prevent heat transfer on both sides of the metal roof, indoor temperatures stable. Function through the roof insulation under the metal fill insulation materials (commonly used with glass wool, rock wool) to achieve the insulation effect to the U-value, the unit is W/M2K. Insulation by the following factors: cotton insulation materials, density, thickness; insulation cotton humidity, and lower metal roof structure connection (to prevent "cold bridge" phenomenon); metal roofing layer capabilities of the repeated thermal radiation.
11, sound-absorbing
Reduce the reflection of sound and reduce echo chamber. Sound-absorbing function by the underlying metal roof were laid in the sound-absorbing cotton and punching on the floor to achieve. The acoustic properties of the metal roof to a sound absorption coefficient, said.
12, moisture
To prevent the bottom of the metal roofing and metal roofing layer water vapor condensation to drain away the water vapor layer of metal roofing. The solution is filled in the metal layer of roof insulation cotton, capped with metal roof home floor waterproof membrane, metal roof can be ventilated on the node.
13, fire
Metal roofing materials when the fire is not burning, the flames will not penetrate the metal roof.
14, ventilation
Indoor and outside air exchange. Set on the metal roof vents.
15, anti-avalanche
In the snow on the roof area of ​​the metal railings set to block the snow to prevent a sudden fall of snow.
16, no pollution
Metal roofing materials will not cause environmental pollution, light metal roof surface without dye.
17, normal life
Metal roofing the main building life should be the same as 25 years, 50 years, 100 years.
18, maintenance
Facilitate the use of metal roofs in the maintenance period, reducing maintenance costs.
19, the cost
Control of the metal roof construction costs.
Metal roofing is a relatively wide scope, from large public buildings to factories, warehouses, residential and others have used sheet metal roofing. Effective solution to traditional metal roofing roofing some of the defects.
edited by stone coated steel roofing


Residential metal roofing system
http://china.toocle.com/ 2009 年 06 月 24 日 09:09 Social business
Business News Agency June 24
In today's highly competitive roofing market, a contractor to be successful in the professional and quality must go in front, for example, to correctly select the roofing systems and products. Residential metal roofing system is very good - kind of program will help to improve the status of contractors in the competition.
In recent years, residential metal roofing products in terms of applications has increased. In some areas, such as coastal and mountainous areas, the use of metal roofing system is more common than in the past. Experience shows that in the climate extremes, increasing use of metal roofing.
Metal Roofing Association (MRA) is expected, metal roofs in the residential roofing market share each year will be 20% to 25% growth rate. To achieve this goal, the metal roofing industry must continue to focus on improving the user's awareness, but also must increase efforts to roofing contractors and distributors of commercial products and their use for training. Perhaps the most fundamental is to clarify the different metal roofing products as well as the difference between these differences in a successful meet the requirements of owners of metal roofing systems in the role.
1 Application
Of residential metal roofing is a mistake to think that the majority of roofing for new construction. In fact, NRCA annual market survey, 2004, 11 percent of residential metal roofing for new, renovation of 56%, 11% for the maintenance and repair. Visible, more for the refurbishment of the metal roof, one of the reasons is that many metal roofing products can be laid on the existing roof, as well as some variety of standing seam metal tile products.
Commercially available product variety and often people will do a muddle. In North America, with over 100 vinyl tile, imitation shingles, slate and clay tile, concrete tile and other tile materials. Because each product is the exclusive production and sales, and not interoperable. To ensure correct construction and application is necessary to understand some of the products of knowledge.
2 Products
In determining the form of a metal roofing system, it is necessary to choose the roof slope and geometry of the product. For example, most of the roof tile products for the minimum slope of 3 / 12. The low sloping roof, the main use of on-site mechanical or hand joints standing seam panels, such as "double-lock" or "Three Rings" board.
Modulus products are mostly interlocking panels, ranging in size from 203 mm × 305mm to 610mm × 914 mm. This roofing system approach to a variety of thermal expansion and contraction problems. Some used in the construction or expansion of sliding clip, when the thermal expansion board "floating" up; some products are designed with the use of the board, "folding" effect, the equivalent of S-shaped plate can withstand thermal expansion and contraction of many fold. Such products can be made into imitation or imitation slate glass tile, vinyl tile, and other imitation Tongwa or flat tile.
Stiffness of these products exist in the metal plate and with the space between the grassroots so that they can be self-connected in the renovated shop in the existing roof. In fact, such systems can even through the use of wood or tile shop in a special fixation on the shingle.
In addition to the special form of modulus board, there are many products available for residential vertical seam. These products from the shop to the house along the roof, and rafters or parallel or perpendicular. Vertical seam roofing products include a variety of fixed waveforms through standing seam panels and products.
Penetrate the roof panels have a variety of standard length, laying horizontal seams and ends with the overlap can also be broken in the field size to avoid the end of the lap. The length of standing seam products are generally customized to meet the actual size of the roof.
All vertical joints in laying a key factor when products must understand that the manufacturer is required on board laid on the slats or solid board. Although these products are initially laid on the slats, but are often applied in agriculture manufacturer of solid board and asked to use the cushion.
Penetration of fixed or fixed-length standing seam roofing products, safe transportation is very important, because sometimes board up to 8 m long or even longer. To avoid such a transportation problem, sometimes the pressure-type machine can be moved into the field production. Even so, the board still need to be careful on-site transport and require specialized knowledge, because many board is shipped upright.
3 types of metal
Discussed above, a variety of metal roofing products can be made of different metals to achieve specific effects and features. MRA survey of metal roofing products with the main material is steel, there are two forms, galvanized and Galvalume.
Galvanized steel zinc plated to improve corrosion resistance, Galvalume coated steel alloy, is also for preservation purposes. Both have a variety of steel grades. Classification is based on both sides of the steel-plated zinc or aluminum coating thickness determined. Metal Construction Association, in accordance with quality standards, if the metal surface coating, then, G90 galvanized steel is the recommended minimum level, AZ50 Galvalume is the recommended minimum level. If the transparent surface finishing or coating applied when the recommended level of Galvalume AZ 55.
There are other metals can be used, such as aluminum, copper, zinc, stainless steel and tin-lead alloy. Aluminum is mainly used for the purpose of preservation and use of its malleability, can be processed into a fine wood grain tile effect of the product. The roof is always made of aluminum coated or anodized to obtain a special color and better durability. Copper, zinc and stainless steel more for no coating applications. Copper is mainly the use of its good durability and rich features aeruginous. Zinc is also used for preservation purposes as well as its malleability, low-gloss gray appearance. Stainless steel is used to obtain long-lasting, shiny silver appearance or to meet specific corrosive environment.
4 Product Compatibility
Metal roof construction, according to the electrochemical point of view, the system used in all materials must be compatible, otherwise, and even between different metals and other materials will occur between electrolysis and corrosion. This includes fixtures, flashings, gutters and adjacent wall materials, they must be compatible or avoid contact.
As mentioned above, for aesthetic, many of the metal surface has a coating or overlay. There are several coatings, including acrylic, polyester, silicone polyester, and polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). PVDF coatings are registered trade name of Kynar and Hvlar, they are always in shape before the coated metal roof on. More durable coating also includes color fastness and anti-powdering performance, this - point, negotiate with customers is very important.
Familiar with the coatings industry knows that the most difficult to fade the pigment is an inorganic ceramic pigments, organic pigments expensive than the use of such inorganic pigment paint pigment than good. PVDF coating used to improve viscosity of the resin coating is a fluoride, can produce a strong molecular bond will firmly grasp the paint to prevent chalking. Some modulus metal tile is applied later in forming the coating, known as "coated", will help to ensure that the process of being stretched in the shape of the metal surface to get adequate coverage. The most common type is coated stone cladding, there will be ceramic bonded to the steel surface of the stone surface. The other is applied in the molding powder coating the board, common with PVDF powder coatings. These coatings make the products with a variety of textures and colors.
Dedicated to improving the metal coating on the durability of metal roofing, steel roofing products in particular, coated with high-quality coatings to protect against climate grass-roots level, to make products with the durability of a method. In addition, metal roofing system and many other advantages.
5 Advantages
One of the advantages of metal shore side is light weight - like aluminum tile roof weighs only 4.84 kg / m2, stone cladding tile roof is 16.15kg/m2, significantly lower than other roofing materials such as fiberglass shingles is 25 .8 ~ 40 4kg/m2. As the light weight, this product can be used in the original roof, applied to reduce the weight on the roof structure.
In addition, the interlock metal roofing system features or non-interlock between the metal plate and the roof fixed and the fixed nature of most metal roofing system that has a good expose of the wind. In many cases, the product can be achieved UL 580 "Standard Roof Wind exposing test" under the UL 90 level or UL1897 "wind exposed roof covering system standards" requirement.
High wind exposing the metal roofing is the place to be given priority in many a reason, but in some places the use of the system is to use its fire resistance. In fact, the last 1960s and 1970s in the United States some of the favorite places with shingles, vinyl tile on the use of aluminum and steel roofing products as fire. Over the past few decades the use of various types of metal roofing is a lot out of this consideration.
2003 International Building Code requirements for fire performance of roofing systems should be tested, but does not include steel and copper tile (board) roof, taking into account their inherent good fire performance. Of course, the metal roof during the pre-construction best check what the local building codes.
Another advantage of the metal system is above the coating allows it to be "cool" roofing system. Metal roof coating on the surface will not be set because of its smooth gray, more often than in the porous or rough coating on the surface of roofing materials can be longer and the light color to keep clean. Owners from time to time with clean water rinse. In addition, for most of the coating on the metal roof with high radiation, according to the different coatings, the radiation rate of 0.75 minimum, maximum up to 0.95, so the roof to absorb heat quickly release back to the atmosphere.
As technology advances, many metal roofing products with a coating of infrared reflecting pigments to add these specially treated pigments, even in dark colors can also have very high solar reflective performance. For example, non-reflective surface of the metal coating of dark brown total solar reflectance of only 6% to 8%, reflecting pigments added, the total solar reflectance can be increased to 25% to 30% or even higher. This meets the government agencies and public sector of the "cold" roof reflectivity requirements of the initial value.
In addition, the metal roof system design and cushion between the metal roof or metal and the air space between the stationary set, heat conduction through the suspension to further improve energy efficiency. Florida Solar Energy Center in accordance with the test, and the use of traditional roofing materials, many of the traditional metal tile roof in imitation of the still air of the attic space so that the heat is reduced by 30% or more of a factor. For laying the battens on the modulus of the product, and standing seam metal roofing products, it is still possible through a ventilation space to further improve energy efficiency.
Another advantage of metal products in the recycled material content. Most steel used in metal roofing with 25% to 35% recycled materials. Non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper, recycled material content of up to 95%.
Metal roofing is a major environmental factor in the sustainability of its excellent durability reduces the future consumption of raw materials. The life of metal roofing system and related products used. Uncoated steel roofing can last 20 to 30 years, plus a longer coating life. Have a coating or to the original stone cladding of the roof systems often guarantee period of up to 30 to 50 years, and re-applied coating life can be extended. Life even after the arrival of metal roofing can also be 100% recycling.
Most metal roofing easy to bend, to adapt to the unconventional form of roof design, including circular, oval and with a convex curve of the roof. For standing seam metal roofing system, many manufacturers offer matching wedge, narrow bottom width to accommodate the circular roof top needs, as well as curved concave or convex panels for the rafters.
Other hand, the modulus of the metal roofing panels have different ways to adapt to the special roof. Many tile cross-section is curved, for a round roof. In addition, 381 mm or less exposed some of the module board is very easy for most of the roof curve. Of course, the most fundamental thing is to get the manufacturer's information and help to decide how to live doing the best.
6 Annex
Although some form of special needs of custom sheet metal roofing and flashing, but residential metal roofing manufacturers to provide a wide range of standardized accessories available for the eaves, gables, roof drains, roof and wall slope changes and roof junction . In some cases, the manufacturer may also provide on-site production of attachments drawings. Many residential roof detail, including the rain dripping from the roof oriented along the tank.
On the standing seam roof system, the bottom edge of each piece of board or drip edge pieces around the starting roll. Standing seam roof panels with a clip and grip, and then secure the upper plate. For the vertical plate through a fixed and certain parts can not be locked into the starting tile-shaped plate, the manufacturer will usually provide sealing of the roof and finally fixed with detailed steps.
There are several methods of disposal gable, usually depends on roof shape. Roof gutters are three basic forms, used in conjunction with a variety of metal roofing: flat discoid drains, l or 2 drain pan so that the roof water and drain (open valley).
The disposal of the roof there are several methods. Most vertical plate with long roof and ridge cap - as long 3 m or 4 m.
Wall, roof slope changes and the transfer of processing often requires on-site production of the pan of water to meet the roof shape. Manufacturers recommend some form of pan-water, in the small bending machine or metal working shop in the local production. Skylights and chimneys often need a special pan of water, some well-known brand manufacturers provide supporting pan of water.
For skylights and chimneys important to remember that should not be overly dependent on sealant. Although the need for the appearance of the sealant, waterproofing can be used as auxiliary means, but any metal roof system flashings the first line of defense should be a pan of water itself. Sealant and the cushion is just an additional waterproofing measures.
Skylight in the roof should be done on the circle, so that the roof height was significantly higher than the metal plate. Whenever possible, the chimney at the pan of water should be embedded in masonry structure. Roof wall junction should be inserted or pan of water out into the wall up.
Attic ventilation and plumbing requirements shall be the manufacturer's construction. Metal roofing system designed specifically for the Pan-there are many kinds of water, sometimes even the color can be very well equipped.
Of course, experienced roofing contractor knows, when you think you have met all of the roof when a new issue again. It should be remembered, flashing the basic principle is to design the water is always in the top surface of the plate movement. Good design often pan of water under the roof auxiliary water channel, in order to increase water reliability. Another point is not to make the roof of garbage, leaves, snow and ice blocking the water path. In addition, the design of special flashings should consult the manufacturer or to the roof construction metal roof reference NRCA Manual (The NRCA Architectural SheetMetal and MetalRoofine Manu al).
7 Ventilation
Roof ventilation manufacturers recommended practices, which may include proprietary products and markets for sale of roof ventilation products. Many vertical slit through the use of ventilation products, closed with a specially made so that air can flow between the ribs on the roof, eaves care pull air as the air inlet.
Many people have a wrong perception that metal roofing systems need to increase attic ventilation. In fact, no matter what kind of attic ventilation is critical in roofing materials, metal, and use of the system have not the slightest change. In the choice of roof ventilation should also be considered when. Must remember that the amount of condensation generated warm air and cold as the result of surface contact. Attic ventilation is designed to eliminate the chance of condensation.
8 Construction
Residential metal roofing system to be set up cushion on the grounds that: the system in the roof structure during construction to keep dry; an additional waterproofing means; make condensation occurred in the plate on the back, to avoid the damp grass roots roof.
Although, 30 years shingle roofing mat is a standard option, but now contractors have turned to the synthesis of new lighter materials, so that each volume covers the area more. Of course, there are requirements specification, can also use self-adhesive cushion. The surface of these products are smooth, without granules and thus will not damage the metal plate on the back.
Also, in most of the metal to be careful walking on the roof. Roofing contractor to the owner shows how to walk on the safer, better able to leave a written guide. Walking on the steep roof, no matter what material is a challenge, metal roofing is no exception. In many cases, the fixed ladder on the roof, then support and ladder access aisle board composition.
Most manufacturers offer various forms of construction training.
In the past, metal roofing for residential purposes, property owners and contractors, lack of training, lack of awareness is a major obstacle to the promotion of this roof, and now the situation has greatly improved.


Benin Center help "in China" advance in West Africa
Source: Author: Published :2011 -07-05
(Reporter Ms Lau) has, Ningbo, a container full of Harry Winston's car
battery, was transported to the distant West Africa Benin. These
products are made a special trip to attend the "Benin Center" held a
Recently, Benin, China China Economic and Trade Development Center Co.,
Ltd. Sheng Hui, vice president of business colleagues and children, has
been busy preparing for the upcoming in July of the fourth Benin (West
Africa) China Commodities Fair. So far, more than 40 domestic
enterprises to determine the exhibitors, of which more than 20
enterprises in Ningbo, there are many, like Harry Winston, Ochs such
industry leading companies.
Xu Sheng child that was opened in December 2008, Benin, China Trade and
Economic Development Center has more and more prosperous, has become
China's foreign trade enterprises in Ningbo products, particularly West
Africa, an important advance window.
Benin in West Africa is China's second largest trading partner, "Benin
center" by our government foreign aid-funded support of national key
development projects overseas. Ningbo Development Zone in Zhejiang
Tianshi International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co., Ltd.
through competitive bidding, permitted the development of the project,
and received the right to operate the project for 50 years. Benin
capital Cotonou in Benin city center bustling GANHI business district,
set of exhibitions, sales, storage, conference, accommodation, catering
and other functions into one. After opening the first phase, there are
54 standard street year-round exhibition booth, standard booth interior
To help domestic enterprises to go out better, "Benin center"
commitment to the Benin agent assigned to enterprise product after all
the customs clearance and warehousing services. So far, "Benin center"
has been successfully held for three Benin (West Africa) China
Commodities Fair. More and more Chinese companies as a bridgehead into
the West African market. North Lunbei Lai last year brought hundreds of
the top tourist tents, during the show sold out, and met a number of
local partners. This year the company once the application Belet six
booths. Korea Electric Power tasted the sweetness of exhibitors, this
year will be the fourth time to participate. "Benin center" display is
the main electronic appliances, lighting fixtures, machinery and
equipment, electrical electrical, building materials, hardware, stone coated metal roofing,
bathroom, office stationery, watches and other items, most of which is
the advantage of Ningbo export commodities.

In the run three Benin (West Africa), while Chinese products
exhibition, "Benin center" Chinese famous brand products also adhere to
good year-round exhibition. First-class exhibition of the conditions
and show good results, but also attracted the Congo (DRC), Congo
(Brazzaville), Kenya, Gabon and other countries, customers, local
companies have been in the "Benin Center" Women's Products Fair held in
West Africa, Electronics Show in West Africa, West Africa, the digital
product development, product development and other large West African
communications event, the West African business as a platform to link
contacts with Chinese companies, partnerships, more African products
will be introduced to China.
Xu Sheng children told reporters, in order to run, "Benin center," the
Chinese Ministry of Commerce invited by overseas business institutions
to Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti embankment,
Egypt and United Arab Emirates and other countries and regions,
customers come to visit the exhibition negotiations. As the city's key
projects exploring new markets, giving enterprises a full booth fee
subsidies. Days with the company through the center of the Government
of Benin to establish a good relationship, positive aspects of
municipal construction contract, will import and export trade, offshore
construction, equipment and other services combined output, in order to
obtain better value for money.
edited by stone coated steel roofing
New 50,000 shillings Uganda won the 2011 World Best notes

International Association notes (IBNS) in the recently announced 2011
results of the world's best selection of paper money, banknotes Uganda
new 50,000 shillings nominated in 13 of the notes, have won the title.
The IBNS the first time the world's best selection of notes rather than
a member of the management agreed to vote the way Uganda 50,000
shillings final win, it shows the world the majority of fans for its
design and printing banknotes highly recognized.
Uganda's new family of banknotes as a member of 50,000 shillings in the
official release in May last year. Quanzhong with the same sequence as
the other denominations, 50,000 shillings to use a unified design
elements, coins surface patterns, including Uganda national bird - the
crown of the head of Crane watermark, as the outline map of the
equatorial countries of Uganda, wearing a headdress Kalimoqiong man,
the local indigenous people used baskets profile pattern decoration,
and on the back of the right of the Independence Monument (showing a
woman the child over his head to celebrate Uganda in October 1962,
independent from British rule, a new life), etc. .
Best notes the positive: the left side shows the city of Kampala in
Uganda and Beyond "," Monument (Stride Monument), the location of the
center-left depicts the Bwindi rainforest (Bwindi tropical rain
forest), center-right location is a shield and engraved with the number
of holographic stripe denominations, the most right is the watermark
area. "Cross" is a monument to celebrate the 2007 Uganda hosted the
Commonwealth summit specifically designed and built, the sculptures
show her husband, a wife and three children to join hands to move
forward the scene to express the meaning of all the members of the
Commonwealth as close as one.
Best notes on the back: the middle is the silver back mountain gorillas
(Silver back mountain gorillas). There is no doubt that this is the
popularity of the pieces of banknotes, and the vote in the selection of
the most important reason a lot of smoke. In addition, the notes can be
elected to the causes include the use of color is superb - especially
the brown. This tone is to use a certain risk, if not handled properly
will result in dull colors the entire note. The main colors are golden
well attract the attention of fans banknotes. Stirring the main map, in
place of the picture, high-quality design and clever use of security
features, to a certain extent, enhance the overall effect of 50,000
50,000 shillings by the Company and the Bank of Uganda British Denaro
jointly designed by the former responsible for the printing.
Cooperation between both the birth of an impressive set of new
banknotes, world paper money but also winning the "Oscar", can be said
that cooperation is very successful.
edited by stone coated metal roofing sheets


Africa has become the largest automobile exports in 2009 in Jiangsu market
        According to Jiangsu Inspection and Quarantine Bureau statistics, in 2009, Jiangsu Province, exported auto 8729, the value of $ 200 million, of which nearly half of exports to Africa, Africa has become the largest auto export market of Jiangsu.
        With the increase in auto exports in Jiangsu, Jiangsu auto African consumers are increasingly high degree of recognition. Compared with European and American car Jiangsu car a bit rough, but it does not affect the use, and inexpensive, "do not squeamish", and oil, road and maintenance requirements are not high for African spending power.
        The face of financial crisis, South America, Central Asia and other market demand continues to slump, while the low level of economic globalization in Africa, by the financial crisis relatively small. Jiangsu auto companies have increased their market development efforts in Africa, with African consumers are increasingly aware of the car in Jiangsu, Jiangsu car more and more popular in Africa. 2009 only Zhangjiagang, Suzhou, Nanjing and other three have 4517 vehicles exported to Africa, accounting for half of exports in Jiangsu province.
edited by stone coated metal roofing


Guangdong professional town FY spectrum: light up World Lighting town
Town, the world famous "China Lighting Capital." It's lighting products
have been exported to 83 countries and regions, with France, Italy,
Japan Lighting Industry quarter of the world, and occupies 60% domestic
market share. Lighting is not the town's traditional industries, but
only ten years of history of new industries.
Town "and lantern wander", and now the town 19,000 people, more than
half of the boss into the lighting business
The late 1970s, the town from a wire, a pipe, a light bulb, a lamp made
of a simple lamp started. Start a family workshop, a dollar cost, a few
dollars profit; a system of lights, hundreds to follow. Look back to
the business scene, Huayi Lighting Group Chairman District Bingwen
emotion: With food hardships, say a thousand words, do everything
possible, to go thousands of miles of "thousand" the spirit of town
people. " lantern walk of the World ", sold to the town lighting
throughout the country. "This has to thank the Government of the
enlightened, the Government's strong support, dozens of companies have
a growing, but also to encourage the export of running Gong Xiaoyuan
enthusiasm, and soon became the town these Gong Xiaoyuan private
economy to expand market main force. "to the early 1990s, Town
Lighting" lights "all over the country, is changing thousands of
varieties of fancy ... ...
Today, walking the streets in town, like the ocean into the light:
square, stadiums, new road and the surrounding farming areas are
lighting, light as the main decoration and embellishment; Lighting
Street Lighting one thousand shops, a town of people to open , but also
the people of Taiwan, Jiangsu and Zhejiang were open, and foreign open.
"Rent a shop, do global business", these different colors, different
accents of the merchants, not only brought the concept of competition
has also brought a different culture, to create a prosperous town.
"To make light of the town is not his fault, come to that is no longer
my fault." Guzhen Town Committee secretary Wurun Fu said, the rapid
development of the lighting industry, led the town businesses thriving:
wood processing, machinery, plastic products, chemical coatings,
building materials and other industries have become large-scale
professional production industry; one is provincial shipping company
directly to the nearest forty. Described as "a light pulled off a big
market." Town there have been many millionaires, millionaires or even
billionaires. Town more than 5,000 lighting business, one hundred
percent private, private or joint venture. Town 19 000 people, more
than half have become business owners. 12 administrative villages and
the town's 24 branch secretary, the village director, as much as 22
when the boss had party members and cadres. In this regard, Wu Runfu
said humorously: a cadre of their own will not make money, how can you
lead the masses to get rich? Only those who had been a boss, know how
to operate their own single-minded rich people would go to services for
the people. Moreover, he became rich, do not take up corruption,
bribery of. In these economies, led by capable, village-level economic
strength. Per capita income of farmers reached 9075 yuan. Every two
households have a limousine, town people after retirement age of 55, a
monthly pension of $ 500 is from the "off" to "rich type" forward.
Lighting of all the night was brightly decorated Ambilight

About town
Town town, famous at home and abroad, "China Lighting Capital." Located
in the northwest, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, an area of ​​47.8 square
kilometers, from the town, Cao step, Haizhou composed of three
villages, the resident population of 6.8 million people, the immigrant
population more than 10 million people.
Since reform and opening, the town developed into lighting, flowers,
nursery stock industry as the pillar of the two industrial towns. And
was awarded as "China Lighting Capital", "National Health Town", "First
National's investment environment hundred towns," "National
Afforestation Pokka Town", "Guangdong Province, the first industrial
satellite town", "Department of Education strong town, "" Demonstration
Zone of Agricultural Modernization, "and so on.
Town Events

In 1999, the first China (Guzhen) International Lighting Fair was
successfully held in the town, ushered in 28 countries and regions,
guests and tenants. With the end of the town lighting business reach
1,000 or so.
In 2001, the lighting business 1432, employing 40,000 people, the
lighting industry output value of 5 billion; lighting lighting products
in the domestic market share of 50%. Products are exported to more than
70 countries and regions, to become Asia's largest lighting production
2002 China (Guzhen) International Lighting Fair held again. Attracted a
large number of well-known exhibitors. Total turnover and total
investment of 6.82 billion yuan, the same year, won the China Light
Industry Federation, China Electrical Lighting Association awarded the
"China Lighting Capital" title.
In 2004, the third light Expo held. Attracted participants from five
continents, 75 countries 51,302 merchants. Show a total turnover and
total investment of 6.86 billion yuan.
Town lighting industry structure
Industrial and agricultural output value of 10.421 billion yuan in 2004
Industrial output value of 10.135 billion yuan
Agricultural output value 286 million yuan
Deposits of 6.198 billion yuan year-end
Deposits of 4.419 billion yuan residents
Individual and private economy accounted for more than 95% of the total
Lighting industry output value 7.652 billion
Nearly 5,000 lighting manufacturers and associated companies
Employing 60,000 people
Export more than 80 countries and regions
Logistics 71
Lighting products in the domestic market share of 60%
Lighting Street shops more than 1,000 miles
Professional lighting accessories market 3
Guangdong Famous Brand 2
Guangdong Province 4
National Inspection-free Product 3
Municipal-level R & D Center 3
Municipal-level R & D Center 3
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles
Second half of the steel price forecast market trends
    (A), the macroeconomic side
    The current international debt crisis is still affecting the European countries in the nerves, improves when the debt crisis in Europe is still unknown, dragged down by this, the intensity of the euro zone's economic recovery is still relatively weak, the U.S. real estate into the lowest since 2007, African unrest, the are the inflationary pressures caused by economic weakness of this fuse to blame. Countries, particularly in Europe and taken to ease the debt crisis, efforts to control inflation, will have some short-term commodity prices, but is already high inflationary pressures and national austerity policy has inevitably lead to economic weakness. This dire economic situation is also not possible even in the second half of the improvement, if you do not fuse the outbreak of the financial crisis, high and volatile commodity prices will continue in the short term the price up or Change but its practical form.
    Domestic economic performance in the first quarter in good condition, although there is in the development process some of the problems, but overall, steady and fast development. In the second quarter economic data showed China's May CPI rose 5.5% in July 2008 to record a new high, so the parties concerned, the central bank to respond quickly announced that from June 20 onwards raise deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points, the increase after large bank deposit reserve ratio as high as 21.5%, a new record high. At this point, the central bank this year to keep the deposit reserve ratio of the monthly rhythm of a tune, leading to short-term monetary policy will remain tight inside the state, the tension increased market funds, is expected to raise interest rates again next central bank may still exist, financial constraints inhibition effect on steel prices will be further demonstrated.
    (B), the output supply side
    From late February every ten days since the country's crude steel Nissan have maintained at 190 million metric tons, much higher than a year ago. Steel production remain high, or is the main factor in the second quarter of this year, construction steel spot prices higher, leading to higher steel profitable harvest. And is now has entered the peak summer, but throughout there has been no significant restrictions on electricity and other means of steel, steel production is still high release, but not the exclusion of this peak period, crude steel production has dropped. Construction steel in February, more concentrated domestic steel repair, subject to certain resources like coil suppression, but steel supply remained abundant; March steel output still maintain high capacity utilization as to maintain a high level; downstream of April construction steel demand to be released, and some small steel mills rebar, wire rod production as the main varieties, increasing yields; face power rationing in May, although the policy, but not the construction of steel production was inhibited, production is still continue to be released; while in mid-June as the market prices fall, the profits of steel has narrowed, but then a short production of steel rebar will not be reduced.
    (C), the downstream market demand side
    This year, China's automotive, machinery, household appliances of many downstream industries can not increase the level of orders, or even decline, 10 million units of affordable housing construction steel market is the only bright spot to look forward to, especially in the current steel market prices in a relatively low stage, protection Housing construction has become into the second half of the steel market resort. From the Department of Housing and statistics, the national completion rate of protection of housing construction during the first half only about 34%, from 10 million units throughout the year to complete the security room there is a great gap in the target, so the second half to protect the housing project will be accelerated, three quarter or the start focused on the situation there. Protection of housing construction will directly stimulate the demand for construction steel, which means to Xian Luo-based construction steel demand is expected to usher in a heavy volume in the second half the situation, construction steel prices likely to rebound first. But we are concerned about the protection of housing construction in the speed at the same time may consider the following two aspects: one room still need to pay close attention to the funds in place to protect the situation; the other hand, protection for the second half of the housing market caused by the expected demand for construction steel, steel does not rule out production continues to rise, thereby suppress the formation of prices.
    The above analysis, although the end of June, the market price performance has gone up, but considering the current international macroeconomic environment and the continued tightening of domestic financial side factors such as bad, so the next July, the overall downward trend in shock difficult to change, From the other side of macro-policy perspective, CPI target this important late into the third quarter is expected to gradually decline, tightening loose more likely, the demand side is also expected to pick up, which will pick up the steel city to provide macro- environment, is expected to drop this market will stop in August, after which ushered in a wave of rising prices, after adjustment to maintain the form of shock.
stone coated metal roofing tiles


Foshan Furniture Association join hands to build furniture company "Foshan create"
  Release date :2011 -07-04 Source: China Furniture Network Views: 121
Foshan Furniture Association, established in May 2008 three years, the development of the number of members to nearly 400, covering five major areas of Foshan. Industry, including wood furniture, metal furniture, stone furniture, upholstered furniture, fabric furniture, plastic furniture, including all types; varieties and covers from the furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, hotel furniture and other furniture in the class of all varieties , product sales from the domestic market to the international market.
Foshan Furniture Association, established in May 2008 three years, the development of the number of members to nearly 400, covering five major areas of Foshan. Industry, including wood furniture, metal furniture, stone furniture, upholstered furniture, fabric furniture, plastic furniture, including all types; varieties and covers from the furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, hotel furniture and other furniture in the class of all varieties , product sales from the domestic market to the international market.
Over the past three years, the Association of Foshan, Foshan, home furniture, industrial transformation and upgrading of good service. Has organized a number of expert forums, lectures by experts to influence and change the thinking of entrepreneurs Foshan. Three years, the association organized a dozen charities, including charitable donations, condolences to poor families to support mountain school, visit nursing homes and other activities. June 2010 media and Foshan, Foshan, Yangjiang, Guangdong Price Bureau held with student activities, received a great response community. Earthquake in Sichuan, southwest drought and water shortage of funding, the furniture industry associations of entrepreneurs, and actively participate in caring donor activities.
Together to build the furniture industry "Foshan create"
Foshan House Association, organized in the beginning of a competition model of large-scale remodeling seminar, invited well-known economist Lang and line business elite to discuss new trends in furniture industry. Association members also actively organizing enterprises to participate in Milan, Italy March concept development and Pazhou International Furniture Fair. Organizational research Chongqing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Kunming and other important river Nankang furniture market. In addition, associations of enterprises to participate in assigned work around the mall, including furniture and Yunnan win a strategic partnership group, together with the letter of U.S. home Chongqing, Chengdu Fu Sammy home, we are further explored in a cooperative manner, thereby together to build the furniture industry "Foshan create" the concept of the regional brand.
The past two years the furniture industry by the economic environment into a more depressed state, the association for leading the company out of the woods, to boost the region's industry specific initiatives. The rigidity of the social demand for furniture, there must be, and growing every year. Just demand to upgrade to meet the individual needs of the market, just like cell phones, subscriber growth in recent years, but the product's features and styling is different. In this case, the upgrade changes the concept of corporate CEOs, to become a key industrial upgrading. Our association will organize more entrepreneurs to participate in the management forum of experts, marketing and innovation salon, common voice to discuss the problems and methods in advance, from the actual work they face started slowly forward.
Foshan furniture industry in 2011 even more exciting

Entrepreneurs associations, going out and bringing in, we should always go out to visit the organization's vision and entrepreneurial experience the world trend; the domestic market is also very quick around, including furniture stores and furniture industry base, how to promote local entrepreneurs are good at long-distance operations, joint operations, which we have to consider. Big business, the field can also be set up more branches and factories, but the headquarters of Foshan furniture industry, which is a soul, which is a base, we want to build.
In brand building, we will dominate the "cultural furniture" concept, the traditional culture of Foshan enterprises to fully play and into traditional and modern innovation, promote the brand outside of the furniture Foshan more real skill of the heritage and characteristics.
edited by  stone coated steel roofing


 Many sales began doing business is often a great momentum to find the customer, send a sample, reported the price do not know how to do, often come to naught. In fact, you should constantly ask him when you are under that single-ah, keep asking him know the results so far, in fact, procurement is so we asked him then, as a child cry, how do we know he was hungry then?
    2 should be fishing, not net. Business running the most effective and comfortable way is to use fishing methods, like when we started chasing girls, do not we will also chase a few girls, then he had a Bo into it? We are to be spotted one, exhaust and give up the pursuit of her, until it succeeds it. I like this run the business, I will select the right one industry, such as I do the headset industry, I will pick the three industry about to attack him really seriously, do go up until, well after the other on done. This waiting for you in the headset industry accounted for 80% of the share, we then go to other industries, copy it, just like fishing, like spotted a large, a one of the fishing, very comfortable.
    3. Bold, but cautious, thick-skinned. We were young, chasing girls, bigger experience tells us is: bold, but cautious, thick-skinned. In fact, business is like chasing a girl to do the same.
    4 the results of the conversation is not important, the process are extremely important. We chat and procurement is often very careful conversation, saying that no subject, in fact, we noticed during our conversation and atmosphere. If we talk of the day very pleasant, and harmonious, our feelings will be very close in many days, we tend to forget that back then about what, just remember one day we talk very well. In fact, the same purchase price we will quote to him, the quality of recognition of the quality of our book to him, we will stamp **** delivery back to him, so long as we can do business outside of the , he dares to talk matters of interest to the best.
    5 must have a trial period. A customer to do down, the same as married men and women, found that customers like we found a favorite dream **, as orders from the call to start sending a love letter to the engagement so long to actually get married, we must seriously really live up. We do not do much at once. Love at first sight and married after a very difficult to maintain freshness, we should give time to the customer and us, look at each other credit services.
    6. Not too proud to do business. Business to do down to the collection, many people would think, with the purchase so I cooked all day long chase his models feel embarrassed. So very little money or chase chase chase times did not catch, but in fact we also have the commission take to get paid Yeah, Qianzhaihuanqian, justified, if you owe too much to him, you business was not a long time to do it. I usually chase money, not seeking his arrangements, but said Mr. **, week 3 you arrange payment to me, I pick up that afternoon, he sometimes said that day no, then I say, then Romania on Tuesday, he often said Wednesday the line.
    We have to constantly call them, until he heard the voice I know so far. He misses you make the best, doing business as in love, about the time we can not expect others to be able to marry you after.
edited by  stone coated steel roofing