
New 50,000 shillings Uganda won the 2011 World Best notes

International Association notes (IBNS) in the recently announced 2011
results of the world's best selection of paper money, banknotes Uganda
new 50,000 shillings nominated in 13 of the notes, have won the title.
The IBNS the first time the world's best selection of notes rather than
a member of the management agreed to vote the way Uganda 50,000
shillings final win, it shows the world the majority of fans for its
design and printing banknotes highly recognized.
Uganda's new family of banknotes as a member of 50,000 shillings in the
official release in May last year. Quanzhong with the same sequence as
the other denominations, 50,000 shillings to use a unified design
elements, coins surface patterns, including Uganda national bird - the
crown of the head of Crane watermark, as the outline map of the
equatorial countries of Uganda, wearing a headdress Kalimoqiong man,
the local indigenous people used baskets profile pattern decoration,
and on the back of the right of the Independence Monument (showing a
woman the child over his head to celebrate Uganda in October 1962,
independent from British rule, a new life), etc. .
Best notes the positive: the left side shows the city of Kampala in
Uganda and Beyond "," Monument (Stride Monument), the location of the
center-left depicts the Bwindi rainforest (Bwindi tropical rain
forest), center-right location is a shield and engraved with the number
of holographic stripe denominations, the most right is the watermark
area. "Cross" is a monument to celebrate the 2007 Uganda hosted the
Commonwealth summit specifically designed and built, the sculptures
show her husband, a wife and three children to join hands to move
forward the scene to express the meaning of all the members of the
Commonwealth as close as one.
Best notes on the back: the middle is the silver back mountain gorillas
(Silver back mountain gorillas). There is no doubt that this is the
popularity of the pieces of banknotes, and the vote in the selection of
the most important reason a lot of smoke. In addition, the notes can be
elected to the causes include the use of color is superb - especially
the brown. This tone is to use a certain risk, if not handled properly
will result in dull colors the entire note. The main colors are golden
well attract the attention of fans banknotes. Stirring the main map, in
place of the picture, high-quality design and clever use of security
features, to a certain extent, enhance the overall effect of 50,000
50,000 shillings by the Company and the Bank of Uganda British Denaro
jointly designed by the former responsible for the printing.
Cooperation between both the birth of an impressive set of new
banknotes, world paper money but also winning the "Oscar", can be said
that cooperation is very successful.
edited by stone coated metal roofing sheets

