
Hong Kong's exports of offshore companies operating procedures detailed
Hong Kong's exports of offshore companies operating procedures detailed
Following is a brief explanation of some operational processes:
1. Hong Kong companies and foreign clients with business negotiations, contracts, determining the order; foreign customers to pay the Hong Kong company.
2. Purchases from domestic factories, Hong Kong companies can contract the name and factories, ship, looking out the foreign trade agency documents, first to higher export prices and the cost of your Hong Kong company, the goods out of customs declaration, the Hong Kong companies have the title to the goods, then the other endorsements, to change the bill of lading, the goods sold on behalf of Hong Kong's foreign customers.
3. Foreign customers add money to your Hong Kong company account (the account can be opened in the country, the so-called off-shore accounts), then the cost of the Hong Kong company and other expenses paid to foreign agents, foreign agents to do tax write-off, then the cost of calls to the factory, the profits stay in Hong Kong do not have to pay tax on company accounts, tax write-off of money and foreign trade companies by your consultation, leave the money in offshore accounts on the settlement will not be profitable in foreign exchange You can use at its disposal, does not need to pay any tax, because Hong Kong does not levy tax on overseas profits.
Need money, you can draw directly into your account or your country's foreign currency accounts of individuals and withdrawals.
Hong Kong company is a middleman to do is to re-export of foreign customers, you (offshore) companies, exporters, foreign trade companies of the plant you are a salesman, and foreign trade companies of the reach of your foreign customers. Offshore companies on behalf of a company you have to talk about customers, but also high profile companies in Hong Kong, you do not have to worry about dragging your agency money, the operation is also very flexible.
I believe this is a concern for the majority of SOHO in Hong Kong registered company, is a foreign company in China did not import and export rights, then how exports it? There are more than three cases to discuss:
1. Pay;
2. Agent;
3. Other.
1. Pay, is said to have the right to export foreign trade company to buy a single declaration and verification of export tax rebate. Then export, the sales contract to be issued, Commercial Invoice, the source certificate, inspection certificate, Bill of Lading and other specific set of documents is what to do with who's name is looked up?
Related to this issue, so, CO FORM. A foreign company can be the general out. The current situation is that you pay, you can find the rise of the company to pay out of CO FORMA, you can also find out other foreign trade companies, as the bill of lading COMMERCIAL INVOICE, PI rise, the rise of foreign trade companies, offshore companies can all be out. For consistency, however, generally if CO FORMA such circumstances, the bill of lading looked the best out of foreign trade companies. One of the risks pay customs inspection.
2. Agent, I understand that if a person views on this issue, so that other people learn more knowledge, also good.
Proxy form is nothing more than foreigners to fight foreign currency offshore accounts, offshore account, calls to foreign exchange, leaving the profits offshore account, when the agent is to export documents to help you out, play shall be written off after the tax rebate.
3. Another possibility would not exist without pay, and no agency, just outside the company, the goods will be legally export?
China export regulations must use the verification form, so that can not appear above your situation, unless you are smuggling.
Safe way is to find agents.
edited by xiecheng stone coated metal roofing sheets


Guangzhou Yangcheng Decoration Material Market Overview
Gas water heater Ariston enjoying a selection of low-carbon energy efficiency of many companies to encourage workers to live as a "corporate culture" companies to retain valuable employees how the 2011 seasons bathroom amenities on the beach, stunning new bathroom cabinet bathroom Washington: Friends of the bathroom to eliminate mediocre all constant replacement of water-saving devices easier
    [] Guangzhou China Building Material Decoration Material Market in Guangzhou city, the largest and most concentrated, the most complete market in Guangzhou, South Bank Road, Golden Mile, close to the Guangzhou Railway Station, the provincial bus station, west of the station, subway station, the Pearl River Tunnel , inner ring highway; transportation is very convenient, is one of the main channel leading to the Pearl River Delta.
Yangcheng decoration materials market a total investment of 11 million yuan, the total area of ​​9,000 square meters, total construction area of ​​13,000 square meters. The first phase development of the first, second, third and third on the second floor to bunk office, the first phase have been opened.
Mainly engaged in wood products, imported stone, stone was shaped craft, sanitary ware, lighting, advanced technology products and wood lines, fire board, plastic profiles, hardware accessories,stone coated steel roof sheets, titanium handle, wallpaper and so on. The big market place, the channel width, and has a large free car park. And decorative materials market in the concentration, collection timing, location, and strength and with the manufacturers, merchants at the venue operator, the operator, who will be using the decorative material to the best place.
Source: China Building Material http://www.bmlink.com/
edited by stone coated metal roofing


juligao stone coated steel roofing focus on the news of steel industry

Morning News recently, including the first production of state-owned Hebei Iron and Steel Iron and Steel (000,709, stock it) Group, private steel boss sand nationwide, including 27 steel mills announced price adjustment information, regardless of construction or automotive sheet steel prices prices , both fell. Industry across the board down the domestic steel market is expected pattern will continue, the cumulative decline in some species will reach 10%.
Shagang introduction of steel policy shows, late June, the high wire, rebar and plate offer screw down 50 yuan -80 yuan / ton; Hebei Iron and Steel Group price display, plate, hot rolled, cold rolled and some other prices down 100 -200 yuan / ton range. It is understood that steel prices fell and the tightening of financial conditions at home and abroad are not unrelated, while the high rate of steel production started to increase, while construction and industry entered the traditional off-season, the effective demand continues weakening, affecting steel prices.
Recommended Reading
 Commodity and stock market will show a reverse direction
* 2011 high point and the trend in international commodity prices plunged this week
Jingchuang: Metal turbulent market will further the strong rebound in the index is too early to reverse into the end
Precious metals over the next few weeks is likely to fluctuate significantly diminished agricultural products fell investor optimism global zinc market in 2013 or the gap between supply and demand appear to decipher the password to master manipulator of the main trends in June 21 My steel mesh steel composite index of 175.2 points, less previous day down 0.28%. My steel mesh analyst pointed out that in bad weather conditions and poor downstream demand under the influence of weak steel market continues, the market price of hard to find strong support, the decline does not change; the current business state of mind generally more pessimistic, because the forward price remained low, businesses are not good for short-term market, coupled with the date approaching near the end of the financial pressure is expected to larger businesses will significantly enhance the cash, the domestic steel market is expected across the board downward pattern will continue, some species will decline in the cumulative 10%.
Despite the recent steel price decline, but major international steel exporters to the Chinese market is still very good. The world's largest steel group Arcelor Mittal CEO Mittal (LakshmiMittal) said it expects its third-quarter order volume will increase. He spoke at an industry conference, said: "inventories relatively low and increasing the potential demand point of view, order quantity will appear in the third quarter rose; developed market demand for steel in the construction sector is still weak, but Chinese steel demand to grow 7 percent this year. "
edited by stone coated metal roof tiles


 Nigeria plans to build a new refinery in Imo State
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    According to reports, and Imo State in southern Nigeria, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) 8 月 15, said they plan to build in Imo State to try a new refinery to increase local employment and help reduce the import of fuel in Nigeria dependent.
    NNPC said the Imo State Government and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation to establish a strategic partnership to jointly build the new refinery, but did not disclose the cost of the project size or any details.
    Despite being Africa's largest crude oil and natural gas producer, behind Nigeria's state oil refinery led to the long-term power shortages.
    NNPC and the China National Construction Corporation (CSCEC) in May this year said they will seek $ 23 billion in funding to build three refineries in Nigeria and a fuel consortium that will increase to 75 million barrels per day of Nigeria's refining capacity .


foshan building materials export news
Foshan ceramic enterprises in Thailand should discuss anti-dumping

June 15, Foshan Ceramic Industry Association recently called Foshan ceramic enterprises, held in Thailand, the specific circumstances of anti-dumping hearing the briefing. China, Thailand, the meeting said the anti-dumping tile outcome of the arbitration hearing has been granted, the anti-dumping tax rate of 4.58% on average. It is reported that Beijing at 13:00 on May 19, the hearing will be held in Thailand, the meeting back to back way to the Chinese Embassy in Thailand by the Counselor's Office (hereinafter referred to by the Counselor's Office) on behalf of Foshan ceramics industry associations and representatives of the hearing on . Thailand to allow our speaking time is 1 hour. At the meeting, Foshan Ceramic Industry Association, the hearing officer to the Thai side proposed anti-dumping our report on the views and questions. June 2, Thailand, the official introduction of anti-dumping policy towards China, Thailand, ceramic tile exports to China to determine the anti-dumping tax rate of 4.58% on average. For enterprises to review issues of common concern within a year, the Committee may be spontaneous or stakeholder requests, the existing anti-dumping measures on the review, the review must be review after the beginning of the end of 12 months. Foshan Ceramic Industry Association, the official said, they will be invited to visit the Thai people, Foshan, consultation mechanisms to establish trade tax experiment. The official said, "The two sides through consultations approval to establish a fair trade group (mainly import tariffs), trade associations, major exports to Thailand to ensure product quality, price, quantity, etc. in line with the country's import requirements, and official seal, so that exporters can enjoy an average tax rate treatment, and aim to increase the number of firms enjoy an average tax rate. "
 It is reported that, Foshan Ceramic Industry Association's work and recommendations of these parties in Thailand have been the initial recognition. Meanwhile, the Thai side proposed by the Embassy of China Ministry of Commerce to come forward by participants at the consultations with Thailand to promote the implementation of this system experiment. Currently, the association has this experimental system to the Ministry of Commerce Office of Fair Trading report, and strive to get the approval of the Ministry of Commerce and the Embassy's support. In addition, the average tax rate on the addition to the above other than the specific decisions of the independent rates, Foshan Ceramic Industry Association did not disclose that the company can communicate with the Association to obtain more detailed information。
edited by stone coated metal roofing tiles
Chinese Consul General in Lagos, Nigeria, was awarded the High Chief title
2011-06-23 09:53:26 Source: Xinhua (Guangzhou) 0 people read the news in phone forwarded to the micro-Bo (0)
Ife, Nigeria, Xinhua, June 22 (Xinhua correspondent Cao Kailihuailin) ​​22, the three major tribes in Nigeria, the birthplace of one of the Yoruba, Ife, Osun State town, 81-year-old Austrian imperial Yoruba Datu库纳德西尤瓦  held a grand ceremony, awarded to the Chinese Consul General in Lagos Guo Kun big chief title to a sense of Xie Guokun to promote Nepal in the economic, cultural contribution.
Xiyouwade said Guo Kun is connected across the ocean of friendship between the two civilizations, Ambassador for the promotion of Yoruba culture and exchanges between Chinese civilization and made outstanding contributions. He hoped that the bilateral economic and trade, cultural and personnel exchanges to further development.
Guo Kun said, is willing to become a connection bridge of friendship between China and Nigeria to strengthen economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries and promote the Chinese people of Yoruba culture.
Yoruba is one of Africa's major nations, mainly in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana. As heir to the ancient Kingdom of Ife, Xiyouwade to promote the Yoruba culture, and promote social and economic development in the region to make a positive contribution to the eyes of the Yoruba people enjoy a high prestige.

wdited by stone coated metal roofing tiles


The beginning of the business from quotation
Experienced salesman is often the first step in this highly valued, because it will directly affect this or this list is to talk about it disappeared ... ...
Not offer a price list, does not mean that your customer list based on the most appropriate price of a newspaper get away with. Offer is a process of interaction with customers. Why do so many people complained that the newspaper End price as fallen on barren ground, and then gone back up? That is not to say that only the lowest price is reported on the price? If this is the price the only criterion, then this line do not mix, and who can guarantee that the price is the lowest?
Far as the topic of skills offer a collection of recent hot topic in the Friends, the strategy does not involve other aspects of price.

Price confusion, novice reading
          Quote problem: when the customer inquiry newspaper lowest it?

The face of the inquiry, how strange it offer? Really: not high, low fragmentation it? High: one will go really low when signing requirements lower and lower, how? Especially strange inquiry, peer thoroughly also likely! A look in the wisdom of expert guidance!
          Quote Second problem: The customer took a lot of quotations is gone, you the country?

Many customers to inquiry, business people are price lists Ji Chongchong hair, who knows, good communication early, when you offer a single pass over, heard from since. Get a reply, most of them are: the price of your high! Or think about it. They have reported very low the price can be no doubt customers cold words to make their passion was splashed with a bucket of cold water as uncomfortable!

      In fact, when customers ask for your quotation, a large part of the following two situations:

1. Let your customers submit a quotation, is a delaying tactic, to find a sufficiently good reason and excuse not to. Many times the caller said the price is high, not prices, and probably other, you can not dwell on his words down the offer, should be looking for more from the other issues.

2. There is a quote details that need attention, which mainly refers to the real intent to purchase the customer, he will take your offer to pressure others, then you've just got a quote to pressure you. So if you are confident of their own but also offer real time, do not bargain with him easily, put out your strengths than the other, such as your professional telegraph, distribution, return system, reward points, promotion activities, under normal circumstances, there are preferences of your customer price pressure, mainly psychological not the end, as long as you give him the confidence, the price factor is not necessarily a row first.

3 guests just want to know about market.

So too for the exercise price to the customer how to do it be possible to be an effective customer?

 1 can be made active use of hair and its communication, you can call tracking communication, mainly asking about the customer's service, product quality and customer do more concerned about further elaborate the details, but the price customers have been concerned about the biggest problem, In order to dispel the concerns of customers can cooperate, you can highlight the advantages of the product with their peers about the product differences. preferential policies, to make customers feel good value for money, the price of communication implied in words suggested a number of scalability, but it must be stressed that return, such as "If you can pick up cash, I can give 2% on the price of preferential treatment" or "If your orders than big, in terms of price I can give you reduced by 3%" - - This is to allow customers of our products have a better understanding in terms of price but also have some room for maneuver. remember better service, higher product quality is to win the customer's "magic."

 (2) Effective communication is the key, in order to do their business fine. Do we must strive to narrow between the customer
Away, put their own in the marketing of products to sell out before, have confidence in their own, only to push themselves
Sales to customers, and in order to sell your product to the customer. Communication with customers should be careful not every
Reference samples of things, from life, business, the company's development of different topics such as finding
Communicate with customers, because it can enable the customers to feel our sincerity, but also through different topics
Communication and increase mutual understanding, keep in mind when conducting this type of communication have their own views and positions, not
To blind adulation, or the customer not only do not want to communicate with us, but also his aversion to loss caused by
To opportunities for cooperation. I have a network client is reached after such cooperation through communication, and
Now is our long-term partner, I regard him as our "gold" customer, is what I most value
Was proud of the "network performance."

3 Do not entangled in the price guests, to point out the advantages of their products.

For example, JULIGAO stone coated steel roofing products listed, when I offer to the guests
(Even the lowest reported price of peers), the guests will say your price is too high. Of course, there may be price
Really high, and there may be guests in the tentative price of the bottom line, we do not need to prove that our price is
Minimum, say can not prove. How to do it?

From those who only talk about the advantages of the product. I will guest said:

First, our products are the best, vermiculite ore (2 pieces, 3 pieces, 4 large pieces, small pieces 4, 5 pieces); expanded vermiculite (vermiculite expansion of gold, silver and white Vermiculite); horticultural vermiculite (1-2MM ,2-4MM ,4-7MM ,7-12MM), these products than the average quality of the product much better, are very popular in the country, the lowest return rate of peers, not to 1%.

Second, our product quality and range, there is almost nothing you can say what you want, no goods can also help customers to find, try to give customers the greatest purchasing convenience, no charge! Sale is guaranteed!

If I said more than a few guests will understand why the price expensive than the others, where expensive, so they can accept your offer, will have the next step of cooperation.

Final point is that price must be combined with the situation to be, to cope with different situations in different ways, in fact, not the cheaper the price the more orders, the key is good communication and guests.

       Price question three: ask not offer payment on doing is right?
I am available online Buy vermiculite.
To ask a lot of manufacturers, of course, this is what I want.
But there are individual, an opening to ask me what kind of payment method, I feel a bit unacceptable.
Your prices are not reported to me, or that you even need my product specific requirements are not clearly understood, it first asked this question ... ...
This appropriate?
        Quotation Question four: Do not quote to indicate the validity?

I think many people have the experience of exhibitors, the exhibition I asked the most is: HOW MUCH?, Yes, this is the external offer, foreign offer in the contract, also known as an offer. Then the external offer not to indicate the validity of quotes?
      Last year, we give our customers develop new customers [online] arranged a sample, the sample out, prices are reported. This year, suddenly said to the customer orders, although the number is not large, and my heart is still that fun ah. We have received e-mail and found the price simply can not do. Raw material prices have gone up more than 20%, and labor wages also increased this ratio, in any case do not come down.
     Our salesman and the customer explained it, the guests replied: understand understanding, but you did not say, when the price is not applicable or invalid, while the cost accounting and so they have quoted to his guests, and want us to try, they are also very much hope to do this one down, there is a good start. The results we might have guess, and they can not negotiate successfully. Although the moral understanding of the guests, is also estimated that the lump did not unlock my heart, can only express my disappointment.
     From this, we can see: the importance of validity specified price, especially in the raw material price volatility, exchange rate changes and disorderly time, we in foreign trade, must pay attention to the risk of price and timeliness, in its foreign relations be polite, restrained, favorable.
      Price Five questions: old customer inquiry, no less than the order, you will report it?

I do have a client, is the trading company, I often quote from the New Year came back two or three months of this year, has been quoted, two or three a day, is no order, really good halo ah, in the end also Do not give him a report, it will not just see us as a reference value, never thought to give us orders to do it? Today they made a few sheets to report, really do not want reported, but not reported but did not want to! Last week there was a very, very low price, he said there may be single, but unfortunately was not until the single, so come one after another is a quote form, so how ah! !
   Quotation Question 6: Why I am a manufacturers, wholesalers offer lower than me?

   Ups and downs of the mining industry this year, really, why many customers getting goods to my inquiry when I bid a large portion of lower ex-factory price? How can I keep this customer?
     Received a customer calls the day before yesterday, that it takes 10 tons of cargo. Because this customer is a friend, when the price is 10 yuan / bag, customers say expensive, because I reserve price is 9, I would like a high number of high-energy, in any case is a few cents difference, I asked him general How much money is getting goods, the customer is 8.5 yuan / bag, I fainted, he made the cost of getting goods were lower than the factory lower part of it. . . . What about quality, I do not say!
     Now more than mineral industry, I believe that many industries have encountered such a situation!
     Call: Quality is the survival and sustainable development of the rules!
The above article is what I saw Ali's business sense, a summary of what it used to share with you! For the article in question, if there any experienced expert can help answer the next!

edited by stone coated metal roofing tiles


Sales no genius
"I think a lot of people are selling for, because there are many sales I have been recruiting medical devices, software salesman, has access to the retail sales staff, I feel a strong need for fast sales appeal, the eloquence requirements are relatively high, outgoing people to do better; but some six months to a year to sign to a big one, the customer may be more willing to sell their products and you combine this evaluation, steady talent to win more trust, on-site the ability to preach may be of no use, so people tend to do so within a large single more appropriate, because the people within, while small talk, but it can remember the words of our customers. "
"Sales people are very exercise, when someone refuses you, how to adjust their mentality; and how to break through the psychological defense of others, to find other people's needs, this demand could be another psychological, emotional or other look nothing to do with demand, but there is likely to let others accept you. "Tu Wen Kai said," In my own experience in the sales point of view, I think do a good sale, must be engaged in their own products and the work enough love, when you have enough of their favorite products when the others will be your emotions and language of the infection, your attitude will be infected. "
"Do marketing, communication skills and eloquence is not the same, eloquence lies in that the communication focuses on listening. Good sales will listen to customers, said the idea of ​​listening to customers about products, but also the idea of ​​listening to customers outside of the product, both is very related, this association is looking to explore the length of the problem, if sales are good at lower his profile, heartfelt respect for the customer, the customer will inadvertently reveal their needs, many times, customers say a lot, but eventually bought the product, so sales are always really good to listen to more than that. "
Most of the sales manager came
During the interview, the total coating made a very interesting phenomenon: either 500 or other international companies, CEOs of the industry of origin has been ranked first in sales, then technology, then to finance. Those who want to come fight in the sales front of fellow heard some very encouraged by this, we quickly asked coated total analysis of specific reasons.
"Sales face broader, he has to break their own, there is a breakthrough customer, make an irrelevant person to accept his proposal, do not let the people around her to accept their ideas? Again, sales are people most likely to beat the drop, but also the most susceptible to performance. on merit and ability to convince you there; ability to open up on the external and internal coordination, you can do; that boss who you do not do it? even the technical background of the owner, must also be tempered through the market, in order to achieve today's seat on. "
"Sales will be made to develop some good habits, such as people have a certain ability to judge, some people who judge a mistake, tell the true character role, it will very much influence the effect of the work of addition is habits of respect and people friendly, even if is cleaner, but sometimes these people can provide us with very effective clues and the habit of respect for others, your mind will be more freely, said total sales is very aggressive, I think really good sales staff is not offensive, just direction. there is your understanding of the product, on the understanding of the work, so as to know how to describe your products to others, you work, how to get your boss or colleagues to support these qualities, will pave the way for your promotion. "
Start to tighten "waistband"
"Do the best-selling beginning to tighten their belts, especially the beginning of six months, a year when, in fact, many large companies do not pay sales people is very high, basically only survive, but strong competition from long-term stability or remuneration, technology transfer sales background would be better prospects for development, such as technology, you do first, do sales support, and finally to sales because of the enterprises, difficult to develop your technical foundation, but the ability to sell is relatively easy to train, so many companies willing to recruit people with technical backgrounds. "
"Sales staff are often more concerned about their own interests, the pursuit of self. And they have to directly face the pressure of performance, if not months, results, sales psychology and survival of the pressure will be significant fact is in itself a species-oriented, guide you to pursue your goals, how much attention you can for the company, this guide will make the pursuit of sales for material more strongly in this environment requires people to achieve inner calm, more difficult. "
"We will find the sales a long time, there will be two division, some sales will be relatively depressed state of mind, such people are not able to withstand the test of the person; another part of the people are very firm belief in heart, this quality in enterprise development process, especially in times of difficulties of enterprises, it is very necessary and valuable. a strong sense of purpose that people can mobilize all forces to make every effort to achieve goals.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles
  Seven methods of developing customer
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Popularity: 3052 Time :2007 -7-19 13:48:21 Source: China Sales Training Network

1 carpet-access
Introduction 2 chain
3 the use of your surroundings
4 personal observation
Marketing, sales and marketing division sales training telemarketing sales training more ...
5 commissioned Assistant
6 Advertising to develop
7 Market Consulting
Development of successful sales and customer notes:
1 day arranged for one hour. Sales, like any other things, requires discipline. Total sales can be delayed, you always wait for a more environmentally friendly life. In fact, the timing of sales can never be the most appropriate time.
2. As many phone calls. Before looking for clients, never forget to spend time accurately define your target market. Thus, on the phone with the exchange, the market will most likely become your customers' people.
If you only to the most likely to become the customer's people called, then each phone will be the quality because you are most likely linked to the large number of buy your product or service prospective customers. In this hour call as much as possible. Because each phone is high quality, multi-play is better than less lay.
3 phone to short. Sales call objective is to get a date. You can not sell on the phone a complex product or service, and you certainly do not want to bargain on the phone.
Sales call should last about 3 minutes, and should focus on introducing yourself, your products, find out about each other's needs, so that you give a good reason to let the other party is willing to spend valuable time and talk to you. Do not forget the most important thing is agreed to meet with each other.
4 to prepare a list before you call. If you do not prepare in advance a list of most of your sales time will have to be used to find the name you want. You will always busy, always working very hard feeling, but did not make some calls. So, be ready at hand for a month with a list of persons.
5 focus on work. Time in the sales do not answer the phone or receive guests. Take advantage of marketing experience curve. Just as any repetitive work, as in the adjacent segments of time to repeat the work of more times, becomes more excellent.
Marketing is no exception. Your second call will be better than the first, third better than the second, and so on. In sports, we call it "getting into the best condition." You will find that your sales skills actually increase as sales continue to improve time.
6 If the use of traditional sales period does not work, it is necessary to avoid the peak time for sales calls. People usually sales call time is 9 am to 5 pm between. So, every day you can spare one hour at this time to sell.

edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


Open overseas markets
Porcelain Ceramics Co., Ltd. Foshan Wong Vice President ZHANG Xiao-yang said that the current European and American market is very mature, "they do not recognize the Chinese rules of the game, we want to own brand based in the U.S. and European markets almost impossible." "Before, our main market in North America, the Middle East is 'more interested', it is 'very interested'. "China Building Sanitary Ceramics Association, Deputy Secretary-General Xiagao Sheng pointed out that the internationalization of Chinese ceramics in fact taking the road past a detour," we stare the European market, but people do not welcome us, a very high threshold. "Prior to this issue that they negotiated with the local ceramic Association for six years, finally ended in failure.
Currently, the Foshan ceramics also be exported mainly to OEM. "We have a lot of very good products to sell abroad, becomes spread the goods." Owner of a local ceramics business, said recently that he will find time to personally conduct a market study to Dubai.

edited by stone coated metal roofing tiles


Regional export production, business and employment stable
    Import and export business continues to grow, export prices rose steadily. Questionnaire survey, the fourth quarter of 2010, 67.7% of the sample companies or export sales growth of flat growth rate of 5% or more of the enterprises accounted for 28.7% of samples. External demand is still the primary motivating factor, 73.3% of the sample companies that "changes in the international market demand" is the impact of current export sales, the most important factor. In addition, the name of the export price is an important reason for growth in export sales. Fourth quarter of 2010, 31.4% of the sample companies over-year price of export products, including price increase of 5% of enterprises accounted for 13.1%, indicating that part of the business through price increases to maintain profit margins.
    Overall increase in export orders, a higher proportion of short single. Fourth quarter of 2010, the sample export orders in hand from the previous quarter growth of enterprises accounted for 40.0%, decline in business accounted for only 25.6%, but the overall export orders mainly in short order, within six months orders accounted for 86.7%. At the same time, due to concerns about the uncertainty of external demand growth, most of the sample companies for the next quarter, exports to judge the situation became more cautious in forecasts for the next quarter, respectively, only 29.1% and 33.8% of firms expect orders and exports will continue to grow.
    Further promote the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism of the effect on employment overall stable. From a global perspective analysis, enhanced exchange rate flexibility to promote the region's exports from simple processing to deep processing and finishing, increase value-added products, to extend the industrial chain and detailed division of labor, to help adjust and optimize the structure of employment, thereby increasing the total employment , also help speed up the development of service industries, to attract more employment.
    Regional import and export enterprises to actively respond to exchange rate fluctuations
    In addition to the international market demand, product prices, foreign trade policy, raw material and labor costs and other factors, exchange rate changes on the influence of a strong regional companies, regional companies to gradually increase the exchange rate risk awareness, capacity to respond to gradually improve. The fourth quarter of 2010, a survey showed that 65.6% of the sample companies is expected within the next six months will appreciate against the dollar, of which 50.3% of enterprises will be appreciated that the 1-3% range. In this context, the regional enterprises to actively take measures to avoid exchange rate risk, which "changed the export credit growth rate", "Trade Finance" and "the use of domestic banks of foreign exchange derivative products" are the main three hedging methods, were 35.0%, 33.9% and 30.5% of the sample corporations. Meanwhile, with the cross-border trade, RMB pilot expansion of the scope, "use the RMB-denominated settlement" of the sample enterprises proportion has reached 18.1%. In addition, 15.6% of the sample companies did not use any financial instruments to manage exchange rate risk, and the enterprises reflected mainly because of its derivative transactions do not have the facilities, the exchange rate uncertainty and changes in direction of the lack of derivative products.
    On the other hand, enhanced exchange rate flexibility to promote a variety of business enterprises to adopt regional strategies to improve overall competitiveness, more and more enterprises begin to actively adjust and respond with flexibility and ability to market changes. RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform to promote foreign trade structure adjustment and industrial upgrading of the effect of gradually emerged in 2010, China's export of electromechanical products and high-tech products increased by 30.9% and 30.7%, a substantial increase over the previous year the growth rate, two types of products together accounted for 2010 90.4% of total exports, of which the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions, respectively, electromechanical and high-tech products accounted for 96.2% of annual export value, 55.7%, 49.0% and 45.7%.
    Regional import and export enterprise's financial situation is generally good
    As the company's positive response in 2010 to further promote the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform, despite the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate since the same period, compared with the fourth quarter of 2009, the RMB exchange rate and cost per dollar of exports has narrowed the spread, but the region's exports enterprise sales margins overall upward trend, exports are mostly lower than the current cost per dollar exchange rate. According to the country's 23 provinces SAFE relevant monitoring data, the fourth quarter of 2010, the regional average profit margin of 4.34% of export sales, an increase of 1.03 percentage points, increased 0.66 percentage points, which, northeast and central regions of export sales profit margin is higher than the eastern and western regions. Although corporate financial and administrative costs compression space shrinking, while raw material prices and labor costs are still likely to fluctuate upward, companies continue to increase the difficulty of price increases, which may in the short term to bring some pressure to the enterprise, but the regional companies continue to improve labor productivity and operational efficiency, reduce production costs, fourth quarter of 2010, the sample companies, the average regional cost of exports to 6.4520 per dollar, continued downward trend.
    Overall, further promote the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism of a positive impact on the real economy, the next stage, People's Bank of China will continue to follow the "initiative, controllability and gradual progress" in principle, continue improving the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. With the enhanced flexibility of the RMB exchange rate, the need to further improve the package of measures to improve the micro-economic response capacity of the main foreign exchange risk. Regional enterprises should attach great importance to the external economic environment, the impact of change on the production and management more aggressively address the challenges, positive transformation of trade development mode, focus on improving overall competitiveness. Regional financial institutions should strengthen financial products and services related to innovation and to promote ways to help enterprises manage exchange rate risk for the stable and healthy development of foreign trade enterprises to create a more favorable financial environment. Reporters Li Yan Liang
edited by stone coated steel roof tiles
China Economic Net Beijing June 14 Newsletter (intern reporter Pan Yue), according to South Korea Daily reported June 13: the world's most expensive city in Japan living in Tokyo, Seoul, ranked No. 22.
    June 13, the United Kingdom human resource management agency ECA International published a major city in the world living standard survey. The survey is to remove the housing, vehicles, education and other expenses, and only for meals, medical expenses related to the price of living survey. Tokyo prices from 2009 onwards despite the drop, but remain relatively high compared to other cities the price. Second is the Norwegian capital Oslo. Ranked No. 6 in Oslo last year to become Europe's highest city price. Nagoya is Japan's third, fourth Stavanger, Norway, the first five are in Yokohama, Japan. Seoul, 22 in the first list, but also in Asia, in addition to various cities in Japan other than the price the most expensive cities.
    Special Note: The article reflects only the author, China Economic Net is to use this article only provide more information to the reader, does not mean agree with their position. Reproduced and reference this article, please specify "from: China Economic Net."
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


How to grasp the relationship between the good and the customer
for our stone coated metal roofing factory?
Everyone knows that sales difficult
But I think when we found how to maintain customer interest is also quite hard
When customers place an order
We want to do pre-sale service is very important
... ...
Customers booked with the goods
I sent the goods to the customer to call the
A few days about the goods to the customer called to ask where to
In a few days to ask the customer how the product samples with results
Have to follow up the situation every few days
Is a very important process
... ...
I actually really want to put every customer as a friend
But that is a bit unrealistic
In the follow-up process and how to make customers feel that it us very happy
If too tight with fear customers will feel tired
Relax a little afraid to run away if the customer
This is really hard for them to grasp the degree of
Sometimes watching the phone to play or not play like in the end
This time for playing it
He will not be busy then
He's not exactly how a bad mood
He will not feel I'm sick
... ...
In fact, as we buy things in other places like
When we go into the store inside sales staff immediately if there are too many around us will be annoyed too concerned
But if no one went inside the store for a long time to care about it will feel uncomfortable
So who is to be very contradictory
There the goods when the customer provides a
How to order it to him again
I am afraid with the tight
However, in short, the future is bright! I think he is in constant progress!
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles


Expected steel prices will stabilized hardware industry good show

Expected steel prices will stabilized hardware industry good show

        In steel continuous rising circumstances, hardware industry many product follow its prices, This five many industry, there no small pressure, but a message that steel prices likely bottomed let hardware industry everyone pleasure.
MOFCOM latest forecast shows steel prices three weeks fell slightly last week (May 23 to 29) domestic steel prices previous week (same below) decreased 0.1%.
Varieties mixed. Part steel down prices, plates varieties fell, 0.5mm no orientation Xi Gangpian, 3mm hot ordinary sheet, 1mm cold ordinary sheet respectively previous week fell 1.2%, 0.3% and 0.3%. Addition, construction enterprises increase procurement, Beijing, Shanghai other cities inventory decreased, Φ12mm rebar, Φ6.5mm speed wire price than previous week 0.1%.
Data show May 27, country 29 key cities construction steel social inventories 7,351,500 t than previous week 5.7%, than 4 end reduce 14.1%. Recently, iron ore other raw materials price trend stabilized, will steel prices formation support, expected shortly steel prices will bottomed.
Steel prices and hardware industry
With raw materials rise, hardware industry some products prices rather architectural hardware industry million important. The STONE COATED STEEL ROOFING steel industry is undoubtedly a member of the chain. Speaking decoration, NATURAL write not open household hardware. However, with hardware products individually raise prices, decoration industry is undoubtedly Hardware prices most directly affected industry long as containing metallurgy building materials are prices, bundle ordinary copper wire than ago expensive 100 yuan . There consumers said equally decoration 100 square meters suites, ago locks, door cabinet handle other hardware, wires budget is 4,000 yuan, but years press hardware market actual purchase price have 5000 yuan can buttoned household hardware prices With soaring. Steel prices Although Leave hardware industry bring some impetus but pressure after all great.
Now, steel prices if fell This consumers undoubtedly good, which directly reduces their decoration cost is Fortunately thing while addition, hardware industry also appear some small changes addition household hardware outside, like tools, fastener small industry will benefit, steel price let hardware industry even better.
edited by stone coated metal roofing

Investment in Nigeria, and promote common development

Investment in Nigeria, and promote common development
China Daily News: English, "China Daily" reported on May 8: In China, when people mention of Africa, always think of the spectacular tropical beauty of the natural landscape: the endless grasslands, lush verdant rainforest, and growth in Sri Lanka's exotic plants and animals. But when I walked in the economic center of Nigeria, Africa's second largest city on the streets of Lagos, caught my eye was all over construction sites everywhere, a steady stream of traffic and the huge and prosperous market. This city is a land full of opportunities.
In Nigeria, Chinese companies can find many business opportunities. Nigeria's 1.5 million people, ranking the first in Africa, the majority of market potential. In recent years, Nigeria's booming economy, GDP growth has exceeded 5% for three consecutive years. Nigeria has proven oil reserves have ranked tenth in the world, is the world's eighth largest oil exporter. Huge oil revenues have created a full spending power of the wealthy class and rising middle class. Each year, spending only one place to Dubai to more than one million Nigerians.
The purchasing power of Nigerians is increasing, but because the industrial base behind the majority of sales in the country remains dependent on imports of manufactured goods. Nigerian government has realized this, and efforts to attract foreign investors to invest in manufacturing.
Successful example in the manufacturing sector is one of the Dong ethnic Chinese family. Dong family of immigrants in the 1970s, Nigeria, started from the sale of enamel, and then to manufacturing, and its decoration materials plant in Nigeria is second to none. There are many gaps in Nigeria's manufacturing sector, Chinese companies can go to fill.
In infrastructure construction, the opportunities are many. Nigeria's rapid economic development of its poor infrastructure presented a huge challenge. Power failure is a common practice, so every hotel, office buildings and affluent people are self-generators. Rapid urbanization overburdened urban infrastructure so that cities, especially Lagos, severe traffic congestion, slums all over.
Challenges and create opportunities. Now, Nigeria is vigorously put into infrastructure. Lagos and Abuja, the capital looks like two big construction site. In order to better build the project, the Nigerian government to encourage Chinese companies, including foreign companies, including the contracting of infrastructure construction.
Nigeria is to explore the Chinese companies should be a big market. However, the Chinese companies to enter the Nigerian market, then, to note some of the special circumstances of the country.
Investors in order to achieve business success in Nigeria, the government must establish smooth relations. Efficiency is low because the Government to fulfill government contracts the company may have to put up with waiting and delays. If the government changes, the new government could even cancel the original contract. Therefore, companies should invest in Nigeria and the various political parties and political factions, including the ruling and opposition, have a good relationship.
Investors should also note that tribal leaders and social organizations and establish a good relationship. In Nigeria, traditional tribal leaders and religious leaders also have a lot of power. In some places, their influence is greater than even the local government. Therefore, a good relationship with them to help investment success. Meanwhile, Chinese companies should also learn and local trade unions, non-governmental organizations and the media to deal with.
If Chinese companies want to succeed in Nigeria, then enter the field of manufacturing and infrastructure, rather than simply exports, is the more sensible choice. Now, because of the fierce competition of many businessmen, Nigeria imports from China, the market is almost saturated. Chinese businessmen in Nigeria before selling anything casually offer full bowl can earn profit, and now, that good days are gone.
Now, windfall profits are setting up factories, building roads in the company. According to Nigeria's first Chinese chief of Nepal Chamber of Commerce President Hu Jieguo introduced in recent years in Nigeria, a lot of Chinese businessmen to do business without success, and investment industry to have been successful.
In addition, Chinese enterprises should be aware that the key to success in Nigeria is localized. Facts have proved that the higher degree of localization of Chinese companies, often the most successful. For example, the China Civil Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd. since 1980 into the Nigerian market, continue to strengthen the localization, now employs more than ten thousand local staff. Turkey is now in Nigeria over the construction of the 56 projects with a total contract amount of up to 100 billion U.S. dollars.
Chinese companies must also pay attention to the quality of their products. Previously, some inferior products into the Nigerian market, which greatly damaged the reputation of Chinese products. In Nigeria, from government officials, intellectuals to ordinary people, almost every Nigerian and I have to complain about when talking quality of Chinese products. Chinese companies need to pay great efforts to provide inexpensive goods, restore the reputation of Chinese products, not able to Nigeria or other African countries as a dumping ground for low quality products. At the same time, the product can also be localized best to adapt to local consumer habits.
Many Nigerian politicians want to attract more Chinese companies to invest Nigeria. And Western companies, the Chinese companies to be more sincere hope and common development in Nigeria, a more active training for local staff, transfer of production technology. Nigeria, Mr Deputy Speaker of former Senator Ibrahim Man figure that half a century after independence, Nigeria in time, from the West, where almost no access to any transfer of advanced technology, while Chinese companies more willing to provide technology transfer to Nepal . Therefore, more to the east of Nigeria began to look for opportunities.
China and Nigeria are in the economic development of the fast lane. If the two economies to more closely together, we can promote each other for common development, mutual benefit, and set an example for the China-Africa cooperation

edited by stone coated metal roofing


Stone industry establishment of industrial bases in Russia

(Reporter LANGUAGE AND) news yesterday from the Provincial Chamber of stone and products export base was informed earlier this month, more than a dozen trade associations and leading enterprises in Quanzhou stone site visits to Russia, and Moscow Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the International Trade Centre Greenwood signed a Letter of Intent , to lease 13,000 square meters exhibition center and the site of the establishment in Russia set display, processing, storage and logistics, sales as one of the stone industry base.
Several times higher than the domestic retail price
During his inspection tour in Russia, the provincial stone and products Chamber of Commerce Wangqing An export base is one of the greatest feelings of the Russian people with high spending power of stone products, visited Moscow in a large building materials market, he found that most of the product market, Quanzhou Enterprises can produce stone, stone products and the retail price of Russia's far higher than domestic. To the market a big plate of ordinary granite, a square meter price of four or five hundred yuan, while the same quality of a large plate of one square meter in the country only sell a hundred dollars, the price of some high-end large plate Compared with the domestic, the difference is as high as seven or eight times, "many Russian traders in the middle of imported stone from Quanzhou, and then to the Russian local wholesale distributor, obtain high profits."
"If Russia Quanzhou stone enterprises can skip middlemen, setting up direct sales centers in Russia, to sell products to local dealers, then the business acquisition will significantly improve product gross profit." King, president, said in Moscow set up the stone industry base After the initial estimate can accommodate thirty two companies settled the stone, the enterprises in terms of setting up Direct point in Russia, pre-require substantial funding, including the hiring hall and the land, built simple plant, hire workers, etc., to enter the Russian market may be high-yield, but also face high investment risk.
Provide formal clearance
Investment in Russia, their legitimate rights and interests be safeguarded, Quanzhou stone material companies are most concerned about problems. September 2008, the Russian government to combat the "gray customs clearance" as an excuse, raided the market in 切尔基佐夫 Sharansky, one of the two regions A Sitai market, seized the Chinese businessmen in a warehouse of shoes, clothes , socks and other goods, including hundreds of enterprises in Quanzhou are affected, then the material was seized about 4 billion U.S. dollars. Then, in the Russian business enterprises in Quanzhou stone will suffer the same event?

Provincial Chamber of stone and yellow products export base in the Secretary-General said that the business partner of Quanzhou stone is Chinese investment background, Greenwood, China International Trade Center is the largest trade in the Russian investment projects and the only official business background Park, with its cooperation, the city Greenwood stone companies to provide access to formal customs clearance, warehousing, logistics, translation, and a series of legal and financial advisory services and assistance.
Secretary General Huang admitted that the Chinese side through the platform of Greenwood, Stephen enterprises doing business in Russia can get a lot of convenience, such as there is a Quanzhou had registered a company in Russia, the results did not apply for more than a year off, and now if by Greenwood enterprises registered in Russia for the company, will soon be handled down

edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles
Two months have elapsed since the earthquake in Japan, Foshan Customs yesterday analysis, in addition to the impact of trade with Japan in Foshan, the Japanese earthquake of Foshan, building materials, eels and other competitive industries will bring business opportunities. Meanwhile, some high-tech production in Japan was forced to transfer to a foreign, but also to investment opportunities in Foshan. C & Foshan can size up the situation, seize the industry the opportunity to take appropriate policies and create favorable conditions for strengthening the cooperation with Japanese high-tech enterprises, focus on improving the quality of foreign capital, to urge the transfer of Japanese high-end industries to Foshan. Meanwhile, the increase of Japanese technology, capital-intensive industries 'introduction - Absorption - innovation' efforts to promote industrial restructuring and upgrading of Foshan.
      'Short-term earthquake in Japan that the Japanese consumer demand, but long-term advantages in favor of Foshan product exports to Japan, the Japanese reconstruction needs will Foshan ceramic, aluminum, steel products export opportunities. '
    Relevant person in charge of Foshan Customs: 'ceramic, aluminum and steel products are superior products in Foshan, the current export volume to Japan is not, especially aluminum and steel products export less, but requires a lot of reconstruction of Japan, as long as We strive to improve product quality and grades, to meet Japan's quality requirements, will be able to expand the market in Japan. '
    In addition, the reporter learned that, Foshan categories of goods exports to Japan are mainly home appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines and microwave ovens, electric rice cookers and other kitchen products. There are also furniture, clothing, footwear and other labor-intensive products and lamps, lighting fittings. 'These basic supplies and necessities of life are the advantages of products in Foshan. Japan, earthquake, disaster destroyed many families, home of the reconstruction will greatly increase the demand for these products, to expand exports to Japan, Foshan products provide a good opportunity. '
    Seize the opportunity to undertake the proposed transfer of Japanese industry
    'Japan earthquake, particularly the nuclear leak happened seriously damaged the Japanese part of the industry, require a longer time to recover, some industries will be forced to transfer out, Japan will further increase the overseas investment, Japan may speed up the zero outward transfer of parts production, brought to the Foshan transfer of Japanese industry the opportunity to undertake. '
    C & Foshan should seize this opportunity, combined with 'second five' development plan, targeted to enhance investment, promotion of more advanced technology and talent in Japan settled in Foshan.
    'At the same time, should also be aware of Foshan in China and Japan in technology, especially in the core technology of the gap, although the Japanese earthquake ripped the industrial supply chain gap, but in many ways we are unable to fill, but also bear the' off for 'the pain. Therefore, Foshan industrial machine by means of the Japanese earthquake, and more to make progress, increase the intensity of innovation, increase self-developed financial, human investment, more research and development and master core technologies and improve the technological level and Foshan product quality level .

edited by stone coated metal roofing

stone coated steel roofing price

 Published:2011-5-15 18:34:06    Source:    Views:61
Why JU LI GAO® stone coated metal roofing get good quality and prices than similar products from Europe, USA, New Zealand ,but the cost  is  lower?

First, China's labor is still relatively low in the world. salaries of workers in developed countries is very high. This is why China is the factory of the world reasons.

Secondly, we also can produce high-end products is because many of our equipment are imported from Japan, Europe, the production of products, raw materials are also imported, which according to the needs of customers to purchase.

Again, in distant cities, the land lease price is relatively low cost of living is relatively cheap.

And many other reasons.

Guests who interested in further communication, please send e-mail to contact us to discuss the next step. container products on the whole match, we will give you a professional and detailed reply.
We guarantee to you within one business day reply.
edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles

Clerk of the Fair experience

    1. Must be familiar with the product. Familiar with the products,
in addition to its performance, sections of material (between the
different), but also familiar with the packaging and size. On the other
hand, when the offer, to grasp the scale of the quasi! All of these, he
must be skilled at customers when asked, to quickly answer each other,
because they catch the tight time, no time to wait for you in that!
    On this point, I think the way: all of these things is best hands-
on, make the customer feel of your subject, not quick to ask the boss
(unless you really have to set the final price was),
    2. Good point he would not be FAIR customer orders directly, unless
your customer. Good sit down and talk with customers and win the trust
of our customers! He is most likely your potential customers! 'd Met
the two list, but unfortunately the Middle East, North Africa.
    3. Identify the customer side. Older and the customer would have
been better. Young, relatively frivolous foreigner, we should be
careful ah. Last October the FAIR, my colleague, sign a 10-40 'the big
one, is signed with a Czech guy, just finished the beginning of my
colleagues happy, play our free samples, and also sent free of charge,
it can last , do not say it. On the other hand, the older foreigners,
they are the Laojiang Hu, so now he is not very easy to do, then the
factory itself, and said no, and if a foreign company, then, be
careful, he will use some means test you. After all, their credit well,
good with them now, if there is a chance.

edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles
      The face of the Internet age caused by changes in the traditional business model, some large industries have long done a rainy day, has taken the lead into the age of electronic commerce, but SMEs are at a loss and helplessness. For SMEs, the ability to quickly boarded the Internet Zheliang Express, determine whether they can adapt to a new era, to improve their competitiveness in the global economy tide obtain a broader space for the survival and development .
  SME access to what
  E-commerce is gradually replacing the traditional business activities as a means of new business activities. The rise of the Internet and e-commerce are breaking the boundaries of time and space, the traditional trade and economic activities has fundamentally changed, so for small and medium enterprises and large enterprises to compete on the same starting line, created favorable conditions. From the current situation of SMEs in China, although they recognized that network management has been able to improve the management and operational efficiency, but not enough. Many SMEs lack the business sense of using the Internet business, but do not realize the era of e-commerce information for business survival and development of the necessity and urgency. According to CNNIC (China Internet Network Information Center) Fourteenth Internet Development Statistics Report: currently about 15 million SMEs in China, only 626,600 businesses have their own websites, in addition to a few areas in eastern and southern popularity higher, the other regions is less than 5% penetration. As we all know, the Internet can become a business platform. If the business use of the good, the advertising effect will greatly exceed the general media. Small and medium enterprises in the world via the Internet to sell products and services, without having to expensive marketing costs. In addition, SMEs can also form via the Internet allies, for they alone can not complete their orders, to extend a broader market space, create more opportunities. Did not take full advantage of unlimited resources of the enterprise, can only lose valuable business opportunities in vain.

edited by stone coated steel roof tiles


Whether you and your company under the leadership of the size of the exhibition is to provide you with a good business opportunity for exhibitors is one of the most efficient way of marketing. more exhibition more business , this is also the experience of juligao stone coated metal roofing manufactory.
    1, low-cost customer contacts and cooperation
    Company to reach qualified customers to participate in the exhibition is the most effective way. According to the survey showed that access to customers using the average cost of the exhibition is only the cost of other contact with customers for 40%.
    2, work less, high quality, high signing
    At the show, after exposure to qualified customers, follow-up work less. Survey shows that the intention of the show come into contact with customers, other businesses play an average of only 1.8 to give telephone to make transactions. In contrast, the typical business sales usually means it takes 7.8 months to complete calls; the same time, the customer due to visit the exhibition and to all orders under exhibitors, 54% of the list without personal follow up visit.
      3, to get to know a lot of potential customers
      Studies show an average of exhibitors booth traffic as the base, only 12% of people in the 12 months before the show received a telephone sales of the company; 88% for new potential customers, but also for the exhibitors show bring high levels of new customers. For the participating companies products and services, show 49% of visitors are planning to buy those products and services.
      4, competitive advantages - show imagination and strength
    Exhibition for exhibitors to display their strength in the face of competition provided the opportunity. By well-trained booth staff, aggressive pre-show and exhibition promotions, attractive booth design, the competitiveness of participating companies can become radiant. Moreover, the exhibition visitors will take this opportunity to compare the various exhibitors. Therefore, the exhibition is for exhibitors to showcase a self-image and the strength of good opportunity.
    5, to save time - do more with less
      Time in three days, exhibitors exposure to potential customers than its intention to 6 months or 1 year in the number of customers have access to even more; more importantly, communicate with potential customers face to face is the rapid establishment of a stable important means of customer relationship.
    6, harmonious customer relations
    Customer relations are a hot topic in many companies, the exhibition is the harmonious relationship existing customers a good place. Exhibitors can express gratitude to customers the following way: the hospitality, the latest product information, corporate gifts, one to one dinner, and other special services.
    7, Shoubashoujiao trial products or customer service experience
    Bring products home business sales opportunity to demonstrate I am afraid not much. Exhibition is focused on exhibitors to demonstrate products to potential customers feel the service or the best time and best place.
    8, competitive analysis
    Fair competition in the scene to provide opportunities for the study, the role of this opportunity is immeasurable. Here, the use of the products offered by competitors, price and marketing strategies and other aspects of information to help you develop short and long-term business planning.
    9, to expand their enterprises
    Most of the show usually attracts media attention, the use of media propaganda is a rare opportunity to exhibitors.
    10, market research products and services
    Exhibition provides an excellent opportunity to conduct a market survey. If an exhibitor is considering launching a new product or a new service to visitors at the show can investigate to find out their price, features, quality and service requirements.

edited by stone coated steel roof tile


nigerian market

Nigeria is located in western Africa, is Africa's second largest oil producer. Close to the northern and central desert regions, is relatively backward, connecting the south and the Atlantic Ocean, people focus on economic development. Nigerian capital Abuja, the Nigerian government efforts to build the next big town. Nigeria's economic capital Lagos is located in the Gulf of Guinea, is the country's most important port city and the country's most economically developed cities, according to the evaluation of local Chinese, and now like the 70s in Lagos, Shanghai, the system has not been perfect, full of opportunities and challenges. Currently, Nigeria, ceramics for building materials, furniture, stone coated steel roof tiles,light industry, wood processing, non-metallic mineral products, which are very great demand.
Nigeria's economic capital Lagos
Financial crisis has spread worldwide, China's building materials industry, which exports some impact. Relatively well in Europe and America face a capitalist country has become increasingly stringent trade barriers, China's building materials industry, some companies have looked to invest in emerging markets in Africa, such as Nigeria, which is still exported to other building materials enterprises struggling undoubtedly is a revelation. Currently, Nigeria, ceramics for building materials, furniture, light industry, wood processing, non-metallic mineral products, etc. have a very great demand, can not fully meet the national building materials, domestic needs, the soaring prices of construction materials, the contradiction between supply and demand that foreign building materials companies to see to business opportunities. Meanwhile, energy efficient building materials market in Nigeria is also profitable. Here I will briefly introduce themselves seen and heard in Nigeria, to want to choose the direction of the country for export enterprises to provide some reference.
Greatly increased, according to Nigerian news agency, the construction of infrastructure in Nigeria increased emphasis in this and the next few years Nigeria cement, steel and other building materials will be greatly increased demand, especially demand for cement from the current 18 million tons to 4,000 tons. Nigerian local supply less than 1 / 3, leading to high prices of cement, has seriously affected the construction industry. With the gradual lifting of cement in Nigeria and the related ban on imports, Nigeria, China's cement market will provide opportunities for building materials.
Another source revealed that Nigeria's current steel production can not meet domestic demand, the Nigerian government wants to use the rich mineral resources, mining through solid reforms to attract more foreign investment to meet growing domestic demand.
According to local media survey, household demand and supply in Nigeria is also uneven. Prices for wood products and other raw materials lead to high local home-business "without rice pot", so that household goods prices also skyrocketing, consumers simply can not afford to buy, the system can continue to use inferior or simply do not buy second-hand furniture .
All the information indicates that China's building materials industry in the Nigerian market a great profits to be made. However, the export products of enterprises Yu Wang strictly to do market research and focus on policies issued in Nigeria, but also pay attention carefully nurtured in the local brand.
edited by stone coated metal roofing


To find customers, the cost of the exhibition is only 1 / 4 from normal way

JULIGAO STONE COATED STEEL ROOFING will be held in Beijing to attend the 2011
The Sixth China International Architectural Expo, and we will be fully prepared.
With the rapid development of economy and trade, for Chinese enterprises to participate in the exhibition is no longer a strange thing. But on the whole, Chinese enterprises for the understanding and participation in the exhibition are still very limited. In faraway America, in the manufacturing, communications and wholesale trade, 2 / 3 of the companies often participate in the exhibition; and finance, insurance and other service industries although only display information and pictures, but there is still a / 3 of the company will show as a major marketing tool. In a market economy, businesses can not 赔本赚吆喝, which must be willing to bored after Sisuizhiwei. Convention and exhibition industry in the end that what the U.S. can make so many companies so attractive, "unable to stop" mean?
Exhibition is a "special event management"
When it comes to domestic exhibition now often adhere Germany, this exhibition industry veteran power sacrosanct. Indeed, 100 years of development makes Convention of Germany won the kingdom in the world. But as a first-person, a lot of things in Germany is not entirely suitable for newcomers, but after the way the U.S. exhibition industry development effort can be the reason, it is precisely because they are the basis of previous, according to their own practice have their own out of a characteristics of the development. Among them, the first is in the exhibition industry to a new awareness and positioning.
The reason why corporate exhibition will be favored because of its targeted, allowing companies to quickly and accurately find customers enter the market. It is the only full use of all senses of the marketing activities of the human body, people's perception of the product through the exhibition is the most comprehensive and profound. Psychological analysis also shows that the exhibition as a neutral venue, not a private sale of any party. So easy to make this kind of environment produced a sense of independence and thus a positive and equal manner to negotiate. This highly competitive and fully free atmosphere, it is the most companies need to develop new markets.
CCPIT Dalian Branch of the Secretary-General Yu-Guang Ge said that under the Commonwealth Association survey show, in terms of exhibitors, companies find customers through the ordinary channels of the cost was 219 pounds, while the cost of customers through the exhibition just to find common channel cost of 1 / 4. But to achieve such a multiplier effect, the exhibition also need to have a reliable enterprise operational capability. The exhibition industry in the United States focus on practical, realistic and pragmatic attitude is a prominent expression of this capacity. For example, while the exhibition companies in Europe have embarked on a group of general development of international road, but U.S. companies do not blindly follow the trend of the exhibition, but according to its dominant domestic market position and the characteristics of trade, better adapted to their environment using enterprise business model.
Research company in the United States statistics show can be seen: in an industry view of the whole show by show, by an average of 50% of those who hold to buy the product concept development and understanding of the purpose of the new trends, 15% of the people interested in this industry. Moreover, different by industry, 54% to 89% of the concept of development is usually salesman who reach customers. The concept of development are generally 8 to 10 weeks after the exhibitors will be recalled, and their purchase intentions for up to two years later.
edited by stone coated metal roof tile

China's building materials export strategy and tactics

In the global economy and China has joined the WTO context, China's enterprises to go abroad to participate in international market competition has become a consensus. Can the building materials industry and the wider international market on a higher level, to achieve leapfrog development goals, often bearing on the future development of the domestic building materials industry. However, in the face of powerful multinational corporations and international impact of a strong brand building, domestic building materials enterprises to go global is not an easy topic. To compete with multinational companies for a only select both effective and practical for our "going out" strategy in order to open up a new situation in China's exports of building materials industry.
  ■ pursuit of comparative advantage
    In accordance with the theory of comparative advantage, different countries due to different national conditions, economic development and market demand and so there are differences. China is a developing country, in the building materials industry, although smaller than the developed countries, but compared with some developing countries, but also has some comparative advantage. More powerful corporate forces in developed countries, demand has saturated the market, building materials enterprises in China "go out" the possibility of success is relatively small. Therefore, domestic building materials enterprises to develop international markets should pay attention to its own comparative advantage, relative to vacancies overseas target market, that is, first select the level of economic development in those areas less than domestic. Such as from Russia, India, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, Africa and other building materials industry is relatively backward, the market potential of the market areas or developing countries start, and then gradually penetrate the markets of developed countries.
  ■ open edge of the market
    Since most building materials enterprises in China are small scale, in technology, management, and is not dominant, "tough" competition with multinational companies, our business is still at a disadvantage. Therefore, in the global business environment and the global economy dominated by multinational corporations, the sense to do market research, according to market situation, Bishijiuxu, weaknesses, break their own, to avoid direct competition with multinational companies, and focused transnational corporations have not noticed or has not been or can not be involved in the field, to develop those who have been overlooked, "the edge of the market."
  ■ the implementation of easy things first
    As the saying goes: not a bite to eat a fat man. Building materials enterprises in China and the multinational corporations and not between the strength of the overnight to eliminate the gap, and only small for the big plot to gradually narrow the gap. For example: the OEM for the famous brand enterprises in the processing can be resolved during the start-up and expansion of export trade difficulties and effective measures to expand exports. The competitiveness of some products of value, improve services for SMEs, and actively take the express train international brands, as its supplier for multinational corporations to support production is also found in the short term development of effective measures. Although the implementation of this approach is not conducive to business in the international market to shape their own brand, export, low profits, but its greatest advantage is to reduce trade risks, may by some international brands in the world, the influence of a region, to save sales costs, reduce promotional costs and increase sales of real choice and the means by famous foreign brands can learn advanced technology, management experience and a good way to open up foreign markets to understand the characteristics and consumer markets around the rules of the game, more clearly recognize their own lack of internal management to enable enterprises to become more standardized, and enhance their competitiveness, and ultimately the purpose of the foreign brands hit in this regard JULIGAO STONE COATED STEEL ROOFING TILE market through the study of Nigeria , by OEM way to help dealers to push their own brand is a good example. both have their own brands to JULIGAO STONE COATED METAL ROOF ROOF TILES establish his own reputation.
■ the implementation of the various break
    Since strength is not strong, the export of building materials companies to take all fronts if the front is too long may be too much implied risk, corporate vulnerable, but if conditions permit, within the strategy to divide and conquer, that is, in one country, one on the basis of their success and then gradually open up markets in other countries and regions, you may receive unexpected results.
  ■ practice from the inside and outside
    China is the largest market, anyone who can compete to win in the Chinese market, and that in order to be able to win in world markets, the key is a matter of time. So part of the building materials enterprises in China should first do a good job in the country, and then go overseas development. Otherwise, if the enterprise market in the country do not learn to make money out to go to the blind, even to the "encircling the cities" of roads, first competition is less intense, relatively easy to play the market is not developed or developing countries, there still is not making money.
  ■ climb by ladder
    Are not familiar with the foreign market characteristics, product demand, competition, social status, political risk and foreign import regulations and other factors, is difficult to be targeted in the export trade. Therefore, play to their strengths, weaknesses, learn to large companies and the importing country or the importing country market characteristics are familiar with international companies to cooperate, take this chance to export, to achieve win-win situation, after the domestic building materials enterprises in the export trade is an effective strategy for. Not long ago, Changhong Electric Co., Ltd. under the Middle East businessmen familiar with the environment and market demands in Iraq, and a mature supply channels, the characteristics of easy to communicate with the locals and the Middle East disadvantages of weak manufacturing and play a strong manufacturing capability of Chinese enterprises advantage of cooperation with the Middle East through the Middle East and abroad, the post-war reconstruction of Iraq to get a big order, cash spot sales of 100 million units, "STB" Digital TV receiver, the transaction amount up to 4 billion. Since then, indirectly, by the potential of the Middle East into the Iraqi market and achieve a win-win and increase profits. At the same time, building materials, Guangdong Dongpeng leveraging Hyundai Group, the giant strides into the international ceramic high-end market, to put the brand in South Korea establish effective implementation Dongpeng, so Dongpeng have a solid platform to compete in the World Ceramic and international brands high-end market for building materials industry occasion provides an excellent example of the export.


June 7, the relevant agencies monitoring data show that in the past week (May 30-6 3 May), the domestic spot steel prices slightly higher overall, but the differences are significant regional trend.
    As of June 3, the Shanghai area weekly steel price rose 30 yuan / ton, at 4890 yuan / ton; Beijing strong regional steel price rose 70 yuan / ton, reported in 5090 yuan / ton; while steel prices were flat in Guangzhou region, reported 5290 yuan / ton.
    Analysts believe that after the Dragon Boat Festival in the low inventories and demand for end-driven replenishment, construction steel prices are still slightly ascribed power. However, the overall bearish macro side, commodities in general in a weak steel prices up space will be inhibited.
    Trend of differentiation of varieties of steel
    Latest data show that domestic steel prices index last week rose 0.34%, which rose 0.70%, long products, plate down 0.06%.
    From the price index, prices of long products is stronger than the price of plate varieties. Inventory data from the point of view of steel, long products to the inventory levels have significantly stronger than the plate type varieties.
    Statistics show that China's major cities last week for 13 weeks distributor inventory levels fell, a decline of 1.3% in inventories fell 2.9% in long products, flat sheet stock rebounded by 0.2% qoq.
    In addition, according to the relevant institutions to monitor last week, prices of major steel mills cautious price increases. From early June the price policy, Sha Steel, Hebei Iron and Steel's wire rod, rebar prices remain unchanged, but the sand Steel, John Steel, transit prices were raised on a spiral disk 50 -150 yuan / ton.
    Analysts said the varieties of steel continue to divide, the current variety of long products is still obvious advantages, the high proportion of long products have certain performance guarantees and the company have the advantage.

edited by stone coated steel roofing tiles

steel price for this month

June 7, the relevant agencies monitoring data show that in the past
week (May 30-6 3 May), the domestic spot steel prices slightly higher
overall, but the differences are significant regional trend.
    As of June 3, the Shanghai area weekly steel price rose 30 yuan /
ton, at 4890 yuan / ton; Beijing strong regional steel price rose 70
yuan / ton, reported in 5090 yuan / ton; while steel prices were flat
in Guangzhou region, reported 5290 yuan / ton.
    Analysts believe that after the Dragon Boat Festival in the low
inventories and demand for end-driven replenishment, construction steel
prices are still slightly ascribed power. However, the overall bearish
macro side, commodities in general in a weak steel prices up space will
be inhibited.
    Trend of differentiation of varieties of steel
    Latest data show that domestic steel prices index last week rose
0.34%, which rose 0.70%, long products, plate down 0.06%.
    From the price index, prices of long products is stronger than the
price of plate varieties. Inventory data from the point of view of
steel, long products to the inventory levels have significantly
stronger than the plate type varieties.
    Statistics show that China's major cities last week for 13 weeks
distributor inventory levels fell, a decline of 1.3% in inventories
fell 2.9% in long products, flat sheet stock rebounded by 0.2% qoq.
    In addition, according to the relevant institutions to monitor last
week, prices of major steel mills cautious price increases. From early
June the price policy, Sha Steel, Hebei Iron and Steel's wire rod,
rebar prices remain unchanged, but the sand Steel, John Steel, transit
prices were raised on a spiral disk 50 -150 yuan / ton.
    Analysts said the varieties of steel continue to divide, the
current variety of long products is still obvious advantages, the high
proportion of long products have certain performance guarantees and the
company have the advantage.

edited by stone coated metal roofing tiles