
Caribbean building material market

Haiti, by the earthquake to the world attention and care. Global rush
to the rescue, reflecting the good side of human nature. Haiti's
neighbor the Dominican assistance the first time, establish and Haiti,
the humanitarian air corridor between. Dominica, the distant lands into
our line of sight quickly.
Common in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, an island on the northern
Caribbean, the island of Haiti is located in the western area of ​​the
island about 1 / 3, the Dominican Republic is located in the eastern
part of the island, the island area of ​​about 2 / 3. In our minds,
before the earthquake in Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America,
and the constant fighting, but do not use the inertia of thinking to
infer the Dominican as well. Dominican Republic the country political
stability and good economic trends in Central America, Caribbean
countries has an important role in economic development. It is based on
the basic conditions for the reconstruction of Haiti, the Dominican
Republic will be the main base. Dominican Foreign Minister Morales,
January 28, 2010 announced that the Dominican will be held at the April
14 World Summit on the reconstruction of Haiti. According to
international organizations and experts estimate that the post-
earthquake reconstruction or repair houses damaged by the earthquake,
factories and public facilities, requires about 100 billion U.S.
Dominican population of about 9.37 million, an area of ​​48,000 square
kilometers, both Cuba and the Caribbean, second only to the second
largest country in the region itself is one of the larger market.
New market opportunities
Dominican belonged to the middle-income developing countries, the main
source of income are agriculture, trade, and services (mainly tourism).
Although the services sector more than the number employed in
agriculture, but agriculture remains the main body and the second
largest Dominican economy (after mining) source of export earnings.
Dominican industrial system is very weak, especially the lack of
energy, building materials and other basic industries, although there
is a local power plants, steel mills and cement plants, but can not
meet their needs. To all its oil, most of the glass, metal, tiles and
other building materials, and chemical pesticides and household
consumables, and all dependent on imports. Haiti after the earthquake,
demand further increase the gap, suggest that the Chinese enterprises
concerned about the area. After a local business who prompted said.
In addition, the Dominican Republic is located in direct solar energy
area, has the inherent advantages of solar energy development in 2009,
the Dominican Republic issued a renewable energy law, to promote rural
electrification program. Dominican Government, in phase with the remote
border areas of Haiti's 10,000 households, 50 small factories set up
community centers and stand-alone solar power systems, with a total
generating capacity of 651 kilowatts. Also plans to 16,000 a year, a
total of 80,000 5 years of solar water heaters replacing electric water
heaters; In addition, the Dominican Government on energy-efficient
lighting equipment replacement program, the existing light bulbs use
more power-hungry LED lighting, alternative energy procurement use of
electronic measurement equipment. It is estimated that only solar
Dominican purchase amount is 5 years up to $ 520,000,000, plus LED, fan
and other needs, the next 5 years will be very considerable business
opportunities in green energy. Dominican Republic Renewable Energy Law
also provides incentives, import duty and commodity transaction tax on
all exemptions and relief goods for 10 years these products tax.
Into the Dominican market
Dominican market influenced by the United States, large firms often
participate in the U.S. to seek business opportunities in international
trade fairs, and from the United States or Panama and other countries
to purchase a small amount of a variety of ways. Therefore, the Chinese
enterprises to explore the Dominican market, through participation in
relevant exhibitions, or to take into consideration in Latin America,
Panama and other places by the United States or to represent a large
importer of products.
Dominican market, there are many goods produced by Asian manufacturers,
but because of the Dominican Customs to sources of imports to the CIF
price of registration and taxation, the transfer from the United States
into the Dominican market, Asian goods is regarded as American
But in recent years in the Dominican CCPIT started running the
"Republic of China Trade Fair" in 2009, is the fourth time. The main
commodities traded are sanitary products, energy saving lamps,
medicine, generators, television sets, textiles, hardware and tools,stone 
coated steel roof sheets,auto parts, furniture, handicrafts and so on.
Exhibition in 2009, had never set foot in the Dominican market,
Putian Information Industry Group, through this exhibition,
not only with local importers to reach $ 500,000 in
exports of electronic products intention to get to know
the local scene also show a large department store supermarket dealers,
their mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets, walkie-talkies and other
products to local distributors in the Dominican Republic to establish a
preliminary letter of intent, Chongqing Yuan Innovation Technology
Group sales agent in the local mini-buses, mini trucks, due to local
market demand, the exhibition site close intention to order hundreds of
Dominican market, the technical requirements for some products is not
very high, but the price is competitive, the products in mainland China
can be a place with the price advantage. But in 2009, the Dominican
Government has decided to carry out our socks and toilet paper
products, special safeguard investigations, though later lifted the
special safeguard investigation on socks, but should be enough to
arouse our attention.
According to IMF statistics, the Dominican Republic's per capita GDP
(in purchasing power parity) is about 6700 ~ $ 8800, ranking 83 ~ 90.
Residents have no savings habits, as long as the income to allow the
locals will try to use the installment purchase of household
appliances. Therefore, the best domestic firms by large chains, to a
large number of advertisements and promotions to meet installments, the
consumer habits of the country.
From the marketing point of view, Central and South America and the
Caribbean as a whole. Should be set up delivery warehouse in the region
to reduce shipping time and save on shipping. In addition, there is
also the maintenance of local technical capacity to find a reliable
agent or distributor to help develop the market.
Specific location advantages
And the Dominican Republic's external trade has many advantages, as the
World Trade Organization and a member of the Lomé Agreement, the
Dominican Republic and more to enjoy the GSP, the U.S. Caribbean Basin
Initiative grant concessions. Trade agreements under the Caribbean
Community, the goods may be duty-free movement within member countries,
according to the Lomé Agreement, the vast majority of Caribbean
countries enter the EU market duty-free products; the Caribbean Basin
Initiative, the vast majority of Caribbean countries to allow duty-free
into the U.S. (oil, Textiles, clothing and leather products, except);
under the provisions of the agreement plus one plus the vast majority
of Caribbean countries to enter Canada duty-free products (oil,
textiles, clothing and leather products excluded). In addition, China
in 1998 became the Caribbean Development Bank and 26 members plus the
line in the presence of the representatives of the line through Canada
and the Caribbean to carry out my trade and economic cooperation
provides new channels and opportunities.
Dominican, Central America 5 countries and the United States has also
signed a Central American Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (DR-
CAFTA). Dominican Republic to join the Central American Free Trade
Area, the Central American Free Trade Area will become the United
States in Latin America, following Mexico's second largest export
market. The agreement takes effect, tariffs on 80% of the products from
the remaining tariffs will be exempted after 10 years. The United
States to the Dominican and Central American Free Trade Area of ​​the
former include the export of information technology products,
agricultural and construction equipment, paper products, chemicals,
medical and scientific equipment, all of the above products are duty-
free entry into force of the Agreement.
The development of enterprises in Central America by 44 million
population of the Dominican consumer market, through investment,
holding, etc. with the Central American countries, companies or
business cooperation, investment proportion in the local rules of
origin requirements of the situation, so that the enterprises to
participate in products duty-free into the U.S. market.
In order to encourage foreign investment, the Dominican government has
repeatedly issued regulations to encourage investment. For example: the
production of finished export processing zone for export may all enjoy
the following benefits: (1) exemption from corporate profit tax and
personal income tax exemption period of 12 to 20 years. Santiago, the
capital and tax-free period of 12 years, duty-free period is longer in
remote areas,
(2) machinery and equipment and raw materials duty-free accessories;
(3) Where the factory building and operating the necessary import of
machinery and equipment, spare parts, construction materials and other
resources shall be exempt from customs duties and consumption taxes,
(4) the export products will be free levy any customs duties; (5)
registered in a foreign concessionaire free from all taxes.
There is a special case to be mentioned is that there is no diplomatic
relations with China Dominican Republic. But this does affect the trade
between the two countries, the mutual establishment of trade between
the two countries had reached agreement on the development of office,
the Office plays in business similar to the role of the embassy. If you
can delegate to the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office in Guangzhou in
Guangzhou, the "Dominican Republic, the Trade Development Office," free
visa, Beijing also in other areas you need to charge d'affaires by the
British Embassy.

edited by stone coated metal roofing tlies

