
Since 2007 the State enacted China's first national law of energy conservation "energy conservation law" to start, then has promulgated a number of building energy efficiency design standards and technical specifications. All of these standards and specifications, are harbingers of the introduction of environmentally friendly energy-saving products will be the future direction of development. Doors and windows as the main structure of the construction industry is also bound to comply with the requirements of the times.
    Product is a source of business survival, and quality is the life of the country, following the author of product quality supervision and inspection process windows problems and experiences with you to discuss how to improve the doors and windows airtight, watertight and wind pressure three physical properties.
    Improve the tightness of windows and doors
    Tightness of doors and windows is windows and doors open seam unit length or unit area on the amount of air infiltration. It is the assessment of the state of doors and windows closed to prevent air infiltration capacity. The level of windows and doors airtight performance, a great impact on the loss of heat, the better the air tightness, the heat exchange, the less, the smaller the impact on room temperature. Therefore, gas-tight doors and windows to improve performance is key for energy saving windows and doors. Our winter heating or summer cooling by air conditioning which a quarter of the energy consumed through the cracks of doors and windows. It is imperative to improve performance of windows and doors airtight door window frames and reduce the fan and the gap between fan and fan.
    1. To improve the quality of the assembly of doors and windows
    Should focus on the following five aspects: the decrease of as much as possible the door window frames, fan assembly space adjacent components; box and the fan with the gap between the moderate left; box and the moderate amount of overlap between the fan; seal, top and other assembly uniform, solid, the interface tight, no de-slot, shrink, virtual pressure and so on; reduce the pressure of the foot docking space.
    2. Choose a good seal material
    Sealing material quality, a direct impact on housing energy efficiency insulation, is also related to waterproof the wall. Four sides of the current steel-plastic door and window frames the gap between the wall, usually filled with polyurethane foam for the other applications there are more silicone sealants, EPDM seals. Other parts of the seal used for sealing, including the tops and seals. Tape must have sufficient tensile strength and toughness, good temperature resistance and aging resistance, cross-section structure size match with the steel door and window profiles. Tops is mainly used for sealing between the box and the fan, usually in the top part of the installation of doors and windows fan, box fan or the wind around the four blocks to enhance the seal between the box and fan, top specifications of the gas-tight sliding doors and windows an important factor in performance, but also affect the switching power windows and doors an important factor. Top hair shaft size is too large or too high, not only the assembly difficult and increases the resistance to door movement, especially in the early resistance when opening and closing the last place when the resistance is relatively large; size is too small or vertical top high enough, easy to prolapse groove, so that the sealing performance windows and doors greatly reduced.
    3. Use the main material of small thermal conductivity
    Includes box, fan material profiles, material thermal conductivity, relatively speaking, have less energy loss. More use of hollow glass, film or coating on the glass surface of the film is also common practice, all of which reduce the energy loss have played a significant role.
    Watertight doors and windows to improve performance
    GB/T7106-2008 clear: to determine the performance rating index value of watertight doors and windows, the record of serious leakage of each specimen pressure difference, pressure difference to serious leakage test pressure difference between the first level as the specimen watertight performance of the test values. The literal meaning of the standard requirements and can easily find and improve the performance of the most intuitive watertight doors and windows there are two ways: First, when it rained, the rain poured as little as possible to the doors and windows, doors and windows that can only be the top guard by the fact that The rain did not change the performance of windows and doors, but the next case of rainfall the same doors and windows on the rain poured into the small, rain seems to increase performance, but virtually added investment costs. This approach is also more common, more common in small towns and rural areas, with more on the door, waterproof sunscreen Competition. Second, the rain poured into the doors and windows to make it as soon as possible after the discharge of the next frame, thereby reducing the risk of leakage to the inside housing. This is my recommended way to focus on optimization of the door window frame profiles that the cross-section structure. We all know that PVC plastic door window frames are generally inside and outside a flat, the shape of U, stormwater measures taken in the window frames, window on the left a few drainage channels, so immersed in box, which discharge the water inside the fan to the outside, which disadvantages of two methods is significant rainfall in the rain or a sudden drop in the case of rain can not be discharged, so that shed or spilled into the room. Imagine if the next box to the outside doors and windows were significantly lower than the inside, the shape of L, the rain has not yet had time to have passed into the room outside the discharge, which can greatly improve the performance of windows and doors of the rain. Aluminum storm doors and windows is superior to PVC plastic doors and windows of the reason why. The structure of the same material used is different, the performance may vary greatly. The third situation is the rain through the door window frame and the wall into the gap between the interior, which is related to installation procedures, because the original installation between the frame and the wall reinforced by a principle of both the thermal expansion and contraction gaps or cracks between the simple way is to reinforce the gap filling the second, the problem is solved.
    Doors and windows to improve performance of wind pressure
    We know that the assessment actually wind pressure windows in the external force is the force under the bar to reach the required deformation pressure when the deflection value. Intensity at a certain pressure or force doors and windows under the deflection of the smaller bars in the product performance of wind pressure, the better. Under the guidance of this principle we have to come up with to improve the way wind resistance performance windows and doors.
    1. Select the main profile and high strength
    The so-called strength consists of two aspects: First, its high tensile strength and not easy to damage, then there are the high flexural modulus resilient. According to the daily inspection, the same structural design of aluminum windows and doors of the wind pressure performance significantly better than PVC plastic doors and windows, has its roots in the strength of aluminum alloy with the specifications than the PVC plastic material is much higher. April 2 I to recommend a new energy-saving green building profiles that fiberglass hollow profiles. It brings together the advantages of aluminum and plastic profiles also has both unparalleled advantage.

edited by stone coated steel roof

