
Regional export production, business and employment stable
    Import and export business continues to grow, export prices rose steadily. Questionnaire survey, the fourth quarter of 2010, 67.7% of the sample companies or export sales growth of flat growth rate of 5% or more of the enterprises accounted for 28.7% of samples. External demand is still the primary motivating factor, 73.3% of the sample companies that "changes in the international market demand" is the impact of current export sales, the most important factor. In addition, the name of the export price is an important reason for growth in export sales. Fourth quarter of 2010, 31.4% of the sample companies over-year price of export products, including price increase of 5% of enterprises accounted for 13.1%, indicating that part of the business through price increases to maintain profit margins.
    Overall increase in export orders, a higher proportion of short single. Fourth quarter of 2010, the sample export orders in hand from the previous quarter growth of enterprises accounted for 40.0%, decline in business accounted for only 25.6%, but the overall export orders mainly in short order, within six months orders accounted for 86.7%. At the same time, due to concerns about the uncertainty of external demand growth, most of the sample companies for the next quarter, exports to judge the situation became more cautious in forecasts for the next quarter, respectively, only 29.1% and 33.8% of firms expect orders and exports will continue to grow.
    Further promote the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism of the effect on employment overall stable. From a global perspective analysis, enhanced exchange rate flexibility to promote the region's exports from simple processing to deep processing and finishing, increase value-added products, to extend the industrial chain and detailed division of labor, to help adjust and optimize the structure of employment, thereby increasing the total employment , also help speed up the development of service industries, to attract more employment.
    Regional import and export enterprises to actively respond to exchange rate fluctuations
    In addition to the international market demand, product prices, foreign trade policy, raw material and labor costs and other factors, exchange rate changes on the influence of a strong regional companies, regional companies to gradually increase the exchange rate risk awareness, capacity to respond to gradually improve. The fourth quarter of 2010, a survey showed that 65.6% of the sample companies is expected within the next six months will appreciate against the dollar, of which 50.3% of enterprises will be appreciated that the 1-3% range. In this context, the regional enterprises to actively take measures to avoid exchange rate risk, which "changed the export credit growth rate", "Trade Finance" and "the use of domestic banks of foreign exchange derivative products" are the main three hedging methods, were 35.0%, 33.9% and 30.5% of the sample corporations. Meanwhile, with the cross-border trade, RMB pilot expansion of the scope, "use the RMB-denominated settlement" of the sample enterprises proportion has reached 18.1%. In addition, 15.6% of the sample companies did not use any financial instruments to manage exchange rate risk, and the enterprises reflected mainly because of its derivative transactions do not have the facilities, the exchange rate uncertainty and changes in direction of the lack of derivative products.
    On the other hand, enhanced exchange rate flexibility to promote a variety of business enterprises to adopt regional strategies to improve overall competitiveness, more and more enterprises begin to actively adjust and respond with flexibility and ability to market changes. RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform to promote foreign trade structure adjustment and industrial upgrading of the effect of gradually emerged in 2010, China's export of electromechanical products and high-tech products increased by 30.9% and 30.7%, a substantial increase over the previous year the growth rate, two types of products together accounted for 2010 90.4% of total exports, of which the eastern, central, western and northeastern regions, respectively, electromechanical and high-tech products accounted for 96.2% of annual export value, 55.7%, 49.0% and 45.7%.
    Regional import and export enterprise's financial situation is generally good
    As the company's positive response in 2010 to further promote the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism reform, despite the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate since the same period, compared with the fourth quarter of 2009, the RMB exchange rate and cost per dollar of exports has narrowed the spread, but the region's exports enterprise sales margins overall upward trend, exports are mostly lower than the current cost per dollar exchange rate. According to the country's 23 provinces SAFE relevant monitoring data, the fourth quarter of 2010, the regional average profit margin of 4.34% of export sales, an increase of 1.03 percentage points, increased 0.66 percentage points, which, northeast and central regions of export sales profit margin is higher than the eastern and western regions. Although corporate financial and administrative costs compression space shrinking, while raw material prices and labor costs are still likely to fluctuate upward, companies continue to increase the difficulty of price increases, which may in the short term to bring some pressure to the enterprise, but the regional companies continue to improve labor productivity and operational efficiency, reduce production costs, fourth quarter of 2010, the sample companies, the average regional cost of exports to 6.4520 per dollar, continued downward trend.
    Overall, further promote the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism of a positive impact on the real economy, the next stage, People's Bank of China will continue to follow the "initiative, controllability and gradual progress" in principle, continue improving the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism. With the enhanced flexibility of the RMB exchange rate, the need to further improve the package of measures to improve the micro-economic response capacity of the main foreign exchange risk. Regional enterprises should attach great importance to the external economic environment, the impact of change on the production and management more aggressively address the challenges, positive transformation of trade development mode, focus on improving overall competitiveness. Regional financial institutions should strengthen financial products and services related to innovation and to promote ways to help enterprises manage exchange rate risk for the stable and healthy development of foreign trade enterprises to create a more favorable financial environment. Reporters Li Yan Liang
edited by stone coated steel roof tiles

