
To find customers, the cost of the exhibition is only 1 / 4 from normal way

JULIGAO STONE COATED STEEL ROOFING will be held in Beijing to attend the 2011
The Sixth China International Architectural Expo, and we will be fully prepared.
With the rapid development of economy and trade, for Chinese enterprises to participate in the exhibition is no longer a strange thing. But on the whole, Chinese enterprises for the understanding and participation in the exhibition are still very limited. In faraway America, in the manufacturing, communications and wholesale trade, 2 / 3 of the companies often participate in the exhibition; and finance, insurance and other service industries although only display information and pictures, but there is still a / 3 of the company will show as a major marketing tool. In a market economy, businesses can not 赔本赚吆喝, which must be willing to bored after Sisuizhiwei. Convention and exhibition industry in the end that what the U.S. can make so many companies so attractive, "unable to stop" mean?
Exhibition is a "special event management"
When it comes to domestic exhibition now often adhere Germany, this exhibition industry veteran power sacrosanct. Indeed, 100 years of development makes Convention of Germany won the kingdom in the world. But as a first-person, a lot of things in Germany is not entirely suitable for newcomers, but after the way the U.S. exhibition industry development effort can be the reason, it is precisely because they are the basis of previous, according to their own practice have their own out of a characteristics of the development. Among them, the first is in the exhibition industry to a new awareness and positioning.
The reason why corporate exhibition will be favored because of its targeted, allowing companies to quickly and accurately find customers enter the market. It is the only full use of all senses of the marketing activities of the human body, people's perception of the product through the exhibition is the most comprehensive and profound. Psychological analysis also shows that the exhibition as a neutral venue, not a private sale of any party. So easy to make this kind of environment produced a sense of independence and thus a positive and equal manner to negotiate. This highly competitive and fully free atmosphere, it is the most companies need to develop new markets.
CCPIT Dalian Branch of the Secretary-General Yu-Guang Ge said that under the Commonwealth Association survey show, in terms of exhibitors, companies find customers through the ordinary channels of the cost was 219 pounds, while the cost of customers through the exhibition just to find common channel cost of 1 / 4. But to achieve such a multiplier effect, the exhibition also need to have a reliable enterprise operational capability. The exhibition industry in the United States focus on practical, realistic and pragmatic attitude is a prominent expression of this capacity. For example, while the exhibition companies in Europe have embarked on a group of general development of international road, but U.S. companies do not blindly follow the trend of the exhibition, but according to its dominant domestic market position and the characteristics of trade, better adapted to their environment using enterprise business model.
Research company in the United States statistics show can be seen: in an industry view of the whole show by show, by an average of 50% of those who hold to buy the product concept development and understanding of the purpose of the new trends, 15% of the people interested in this industry. Moreover, different by industry, 54% to 89% of the concept of development is usually salesman who reach customers. The concept of development are generally 8 to 10 weeks after the exhibitors will be recalled, and their purchase intentions for up to two years later.
edited by stone coated metal roof tile

