
Three weeks ago, Kahn told the media that his presidential campaign in France three questions, "money, women, and the fact that I'm Jewish," Three weeks later, he was "rape door" in jail ... ...
◎ "Red Week" special correspondent Xue Xiaoming
Jews, French, IMF, former president and former Communist, Socialist Party presidential candidate, economists, politicians, chief architect of the euro, "Shinaishashou" (lady killer), married twice man When all these were the first are concentrated in a bizarre person, that person will be predestined affinity with some incredible things. This person is Dominique? Strauss? Kahn (Dominique Strauss-Kahn).
Career West Side Story "rape door"
Because "rape door", Kahn has been the focus of the headlines in recent weeks the media is the hot talk of the streets.
Originally, this thing is absolutely not removed from the U.S. and Europe in such a high society, stamp one foot three global capital markets to shake the great man shaking the body, but things have indeed occurred in the field. At least, the New York police and prosecutors have described is this: Kahn in New York near Times Square, opened at a top hotel room, an African-American women noon hotel staff entered the room in the house, then just out of the bathroom " naked body "Kahn see color spur of the moment, the waitress Health flutter in bed, the waitress tried to flee the room in various ways, but also falsely claimed that" the manager in the corridor ", but Kahn did not pull the plug; waitress once Kahn successfully pushed and ran towards the room door, but stepped on the bag on the floor and slip the paper loaded. Kahn then stepped forward, forcing her to their line that year the Clinton - Lewinsky matter. Post (or something in) the waitress escape and the police, Kahn then desperate to leave the hotel to the airport preparing to board an Air France plane to fly to Germany. To 10 minutes before the plane took off, such as the Airborne Police in New York before Kahn, to win.
The whole pile is full of fantastic events, peach, suspense, intrigue, incredible and black humor, as if the early years of Hollywood B-class film farce and the movie "The Godfather" in some of the plot. In fact, familiar with the "fast-paced world of capitalism," the unspoken rules of the people know that five-star hotels generally have a list of non-public figures, these people's "needs" will be properly considered and arrangements. Kahn, there is a demand, not their opening, the hotel will be ready since. Kahn hijacking how to get it?
Of course, we can not rule out Mr. Kahn has a particular habit, or simply see the colors spur of the moment is temporary, such as family medicine Xin-like "crimes of passion", playing the piano with a lower body exercise. However, ex-wife Brigitte Kahn? Gilles Mitt (Brigitte Guillemette) face of the British "Daily Telegraph" reporter on the ex-husband to do some defense seems to prove the old man is unlikely to make such nasty things: "The United States Police described the 'facts' does not match with the man I know, I lived with him ten years. "Bridget also said police charged the crime in time is only a few minutes later, she and the daughter card Kahn Health Mill (Camille) worked with his father for lunch in a restaurant in New York. Bridget said: "I do not deny Kahn good color, but this does not mean that he would do such a thing. He was always a gentleman's man, not a violent temper. He may have committed many mistakes, but never does not include it. "
We certainly have reason to believe, than the police and prosecutors, the common statement made ten years of life may be more understanding of the wife of her husband (of course, the opposite is often true.) But the prosecution has strong evidence that they, their "victim" of the collar and the hotel room carpet to extract the DNA of semen consistent with Kahn. Of course, we also have reason to believe that New York police and prosecutors have no evidence As framed, it is actually the seed of Kahn, but it has only proved that they indeed had some Wushan Yunyu, but can not prove that over King Kahn hard on the bow. Kahn has been a 62-year-old, and only 168 centimeters tall, while the "victim" Christina forty-eight (32), 180 cm tall enough, coupled with the physique of African descent, this "hard power" In contrast, Kahn, students can succeed and can flutter, can not help but suspect that Kahn is a Pan possession, that moment is not a person in combat.
This was traced to three days after the IMF Kahn announced his resignation as president from office. This Nianyuhuajia Kahn is, in fact, his political career will draw the equivalent of a very glorious end.
Knowingly committed crimes against the wind
In his resignation letter, Kahn writes: "I want everyone that made me feel strongly denies any allegations against me. I have my honor and dedication to defend the institution I serve, especially I want to do all the strength, time and energy to prove my innocence. "
With this letter available to the public, all kinds of conspiracy theories even more rampant. French society this matter as a "Shakespearean tragedy and the fact that a mixture", and there are many politicians in high places that this is a presidential election for the upcoming plot layout; Kahn is a Socialist Party challenge the right-wing President Nicolas Sarkozy's trump card, do the equivalent to Sarkozy Kahn cleared the way for re-election.
Socialist Party members of the Le Guen (Le Guen) and Kahn has 25 years of friendship, he thought that this New York story "implausible", and does not match with the character of Oliver Kahn. "Lure, yes. He would not imprison a woman, or the use of violence. We hear this story from the media, I think this thing do not fly." He also said, according to what he knew, did not escape until Kahn Ben airport, but only after having lunch with her daughter boarded the Air France plane and the flight is already booked it for a few weeks ago.
Le Guen said Kahn's friends know he will be targeted. He said: "They asked us to believe these things ... ... it is an illusion. We know they will attack (Strauss? Kahn), we can hear the Sabre-rattling voice."
The question is, where "they" who in the end? Why do "they" have to Sabre-rattling, not to overthrow Kahn never give up?
Just three weeks before the incident, Kahn told the French left-wing "Liberation" to the interview was expected to own the French presidential election will be met if the three biggest problems: "Money, women, and the fact that I was Jewish." Kahn told reporters bluntly when he felt he had under surveillance, and that can be expected to be a honey trap his victim: "(for example) in a car park, a woman was raped, this is who took to the 50 million or 100 million euros, the invention of such a story. "
It appears that Kahn is well aware of their vulnerability in the. But in that case, his behavior was even more confusing. Regardless of how the whole process, from the DNA of the results, Kahn, "seeding" almost a virtual certainty, and since knowing "they" are holding their own weakness, why it happens sowing the wind mess?
Struggle against the U.S. dollar and the euro the scapegoat?
However, simply because the president of the war, this seems to do a little big, Sarkozy to get rid of Oliver Kahn, as long as the year to deal with de Villepin, as the scandal broke a peach or a corruption scandal forced Kahn to withdraw his candidature even done, why should they have to ruthless? (If this Khan found guilty, I am afraid that will sit at the end to wear prison)
Meanwhile, the Americans did in this case is also too much force, they even send the Roosevelt family, a woman came to the trial judge Kahn case. You know, the female judge was born in authentic American blue blood aristocracy, and the fair, the evil, as women never tolerate for known cases of sexual assault, made clear that accomplishing things take Kahn iron case.
Obviously, "do away" in the IMF president, sitting in this position three years of Kahn, Americans have a deeper strategic intentions.
Let us first look at the title by media reports some of the major policy statement Kahn:
"IMF Managing Director International Monetary Fund, Kahn suggested that the renminbi as soon as possible SDRs (Special Drawing Rights)";
"Kahn says the appreciation of the RMB should be gradually, not rapidly appreciation";
"Kahn once again urges the reform of the current U.S. dollar as the core of the international monetary system";
"Kahn advocated to replace the dollar with the SDRS"
... ...
Kahn now look back to these ideas, chilling - Kahn himself with Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi into the same situation. That year Saddam Hussein to abandon the U.S. dollar clearing oil trade in euros, 12 months later, the name of counter-terrorism under the banner of the war in Iraq began. Gaddafi has also taken similar action, he initiated the movement to abandon the dollar and the euro, called on the Arab and the African use of the new currency - the gold dinar, the results of the attack by the United States and NATO, opposition and rebels Terrorists are organized, the purpose is to get rid of Qaddafi, to ensure that the dollar's dominance in the oil trade. Described as "committed, although much will punish those dollars."
On the other hand, for the United States, Kahn even more than Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi is also an "awful." The real enemy of the U.S. dollar the euro, the dollar index a historic turning point, brought to its knees in 2002, the year in January the euro was put into actual circulation on the dollar of "crowding out" anomalies, while Kahn is the designer of the euro One is a hardcore euro camp; and IMF, as president, is well placed to modify the organization's policies, but also have access to the heads of state and replace the dollar promotional ideas.
May 20 CNN report said, IMF released a report on the feasibility of alternative world reserve currency U.S. report. Reuters says Kahn of the IMF's policies have led and achieved initial results: from 1 April 2011 as a loan basis, introduced in May 12 has brought IMF's lending capacity increased to 2690 from 1,200 million SDRs million SDRs.
Rivers and lakes on the spread of another way of saying: the dollar and the euro currency long dispute, the 2010 debt crisis in Europe, the U.S. government, the media to stir up trouble bragging to the disintegration of the euro zone, while the United States hedge funds, big banks, Forex market maker is massive opportunity to short the euro in international currency markets, want to make the euro a large short position profits, but took the opportunity to eradicate the euro Fengyun thorn in the side, I hope double-edged sword. Unexpectedly, the overall currency in Europe in 2011 instead of rise not fall, U.S. hedge funds, big banks, foreign exchange market maker, Japan's big banks have been locked in, resulting in huge losses. It is reported that: EUR / USD 1.4800 in the price list published by JP Morgan the largest bank losses, loss of close to 3,000 billion U.S. dollars, U.S. bank losses are close to 250 billion U.S. dollars, even more terrible is that these futures contracts will expire by the end of May 2011 delivery , major of the stock market will not turn, the consequences is simply unthinkable. In this case, dog eat dog on Wall Street to suppress the euro, what things really do come out. Kahn then this thing must be "can have." However, Kahn things out, the global financial markets did not cause massive chain reaction that may also let Wall Street disappointed. However, the results of the butterfly wings to incite, to take time to observe.
In any case, the days are wonderful people Kahn, at least his career seems to never end. Latin American writer Garcia? Marquez in the "Hundred Years of Solitude" in a cold and cynical insight wrote, "many years before a firing squad, Colonel Aurelio good Connaught will recall his father took him to see that distant ice afternoon. " Everything is so magical, yet so real. ■

edited by stone coated metal roofing

