
China Economic Net Beijing June 14 Newsletter (intern reporter Pan Yue), according to South Korea Daily reported June 13: the world's most expensive city in Japan living in Tokyo, Seoul, ranked No. 22.
    June 13, the United Kingdom human resource management agency ECA International published a major city in the world living standard survey. The survey is to remove the housing, vehicles, education and other expenses, and only for meals, medical expenses related to the price of living survey. Tokyo prices from 2009 onwards despite the drop, but remain relatively high compared to other cities the price. Second is the Norwegian capital Oslo. Ranked No. 6 in Oslo last year to become Europe's highest city price. Nagoya is Japan's third, fourth Stavanger, Norway, the first five are in Yokohama, Japan. Seoul, 22 in the first list, but also in Asia, in addition to various cities in Japan other than the price the most expensive cities.
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