
 Nigeria plans to build a new refinery in Imo State
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    According to reports, and Imo State in southern Nigeria, Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) 8 月 15, said they plan to build in Imo State to try a new refinery to increase local employment and help reduce the import of fuel in Nigeria dependent.
    NNPC said the Imo State Government and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation to establish a strategic partnership to jointly build the new refinery, but did not disclose the cost of the project size or any details.
    Despite being Africa's largest crude oil and natural gas producer, behind Nigeria's state oil refinery led to the long-term power shortages.
    NNPC and the China National Construction Corporation (CSCEC) in May this year said they will seek $ 23 billion in funding to build three refineries in Nigeria and a fuel consortium that will increase to 75 million barrels per day of Nigeria's refining capacity .

